Tuesday, January 1, 2013

the Talents scene 1

The Talents scene 1 by ric gustafson

                            Scene 1

                         A middleaged man is in a doctors office buttoning a shirt
                            A doctor is washing  his hands

                                      Bernard  Talent

Dr Robinson [ beat] is it stress again?

                                        Dr Robinson

I believe so [ beat]  the tests show that your heart is fine

 [ The doctor gave Bernard a serious look]

                                     Dr Robinson

This constant stress level is going to cause you major problems down the road


My book stores are very important to me

                                       Dr Robinson

Can't your sons help you more with the business


I'm sure they could

                                      Dr Robinson

You need to reduce your stress


What do you suggest Doctor?

                                      Dr Robinson

My suggestion is a year vacation from all your stress


A year!

[ He gave the doctor a startled look]


I don't know if I can do that

                                     Dr Robinson

Let your sons run the business for a while [ beat]  you deserve the rest

[ Bernard pondered that thought as he left Dr Robinson's office]

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