Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Daily Grind: longings

The Daily Grind: longings by ric gustafson

Longings can happen in our lives when we say to ourselves is this all there is?. We were formed by God for more than the world can offer us. Our longings, hopes and cravings are telling us that nothing on this earth can totally satisfy us. We will always want more because we were made to want more. Psalm 38:9 says all my longings lie open before you Lord. God wants us to listen to our longings and not run from them. Longings are desires that are out of our reach. God wants us to have longings, wishes and dreams.
Disappointment does come into our lives. Relationships, loss lead to disappointment and resentment. Because we are afraid of pain, we try to avoid disappointment. God gave us longings and he does not want us to ignore them. God has longings that we will become one of his children. God wants us to seek him and be thirsty for him. When we have longings for God and find him, he will open his arms and welcome us.

research help: ' Fresh Brewed Life' by Nicole Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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