Friday, January 4, 2013

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 17

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 17 by ric gustafson

Herod Antipas was lying on a cushion being fanned by a servant when another came in and whispered something into his ear. He smiled because the servant had just relayed an important message. Pilate, the Roman Govenor was sending over someone he had wanted to meet for a long time. He had been hearing many things about this Rabbi from Galilee who was performing miracles and called himself a King. He was curious to see this Rabbi perform a miracle for him.
After a short while, Flavius led Jesus into a hall of Herod's residence.
Herod now stared at a silent Jesus. The young man's face was bruised and swollen from physical abuse and was standing up thanks to the help of Flavius.
" I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time" he said as he stood up from his cushion. " I hear you perform miracles and heal the sick".
Jesus stayed silent and did not raise his head.
" Please perform a miracle for me".
Jesus remained silent.
" Just one, that is all I ask".
" So you won't perform a small miracle for me". Anger began to fill his mind. " I believe a King needs a robe". He clapped his hands and a servant ran to get one.
Flavius watched as the servant returned with a robe of different colors.
The servant put the robe on Jesus.
" Here is a robe fit for a King". Herod watched as his soldiers bowed down and mocked Jesus. After a while, he got tired of the game.
" Take the robe off of him". He fell back onto his cushion. " Take him back to Pilate".
Later, Herod and Pilate became friends.

research help" ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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