Monday, January 14, 2013

the embrace: embrace repentence

the embrace: embrace repentence by ric gustafson

Mark 1:15- ' The time has come repent and believe the good news'

When we sin, make mistakes and fail, it is easy to keep traveling down that road. But that is not what God wants us to do. God wants us to turn around and travel on the right road. God will never turn his back on us and waits patiently on us to want to change. He wants us to have a change of heart and a shift in direction. If we are sorry but keep sinning, God knows our heart.
To repent means to say I'm sorry, quit the sinning, turn around and go back into God's loving arms. Mark 10:18 says no one is good except God alone. After we repent, we need to always hold God's hand for strength. God loves us so much, he will never let us go. Once forgiven, we can focus on God and move forward in our lives with confidence.

research help: ' Embrace Grace' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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