Friday, January 4, 2013

Sunrise Edition page 2

Sunrise Edition page 2 by ric gustafson

Alfred walked into the foyer of the office.
" May I help you?" asked a young woman who had heard him walk in.
" Yes, I have a question about my paper".
" I'll get the Circulation Director for you". She walked away.
Five minutes later, a young dark bearded man walked up. " Hi, I'm Joseph Ficone". He shook Alfred's hand. " How can I help you?".
" I went outside this morning and noticed that I had received the Sunrise Edition".
" What is your address?".
" 17516 Stony Ash Court".
" Oh yes, that is my route". He smiled at me. " Isn't your birthday tomorrow?".
" The 5th, it sure is". Alfred gave him a strange look. " How did you know my birthday was tomorrow?".
" My father wanted to tell you that he loves you and wanted to wish you a happy birthday".  " Excuse me for a moment". He quickly left the room.
One minute later.
" Hi, Joyce told me that you needed some help".
" I was just talking to Joseph the Circulation Director".
" Are you sure?" John Hayes said with a perplexed look on his face. " We haven't had a Circulation Director here for three months".
" Sorry". Alfred left the building pondering what the young bearded man had said to him.
The next day, Alfred had one of the best birthdays he had ever had.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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