Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 21

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 21 by ric gustafson

Two of Flavius's best soldiers brought up from the dungeon two common thieves who were to be executed along with Jesus. All three were led from the Hall of Judgment into the street.
Flavius pointed to two of his men. " Keep that jeering crowd back". He and another soldier put a crossbeam on the backs of the two thieves. A crossbeam was also put on the torn bloody back of Jesus.
The two thieves were put up front and Jesus was put behind them. With Flavius up front keeping the crowd at bay, the procession began. Slowly the three men tried to walk with the heavy crossbeams on their backs. By this time, Jesus was very weak from the scourging and fell down.
" Halt" Flavius said loudly. He walked over and helped Jesus get back on his feet. The procession started again and Flavius knew it was a short walk to the northwest gate of the city. Outside that gate was a hill called Calvary and in greek Golgotha. The place was familiar to Flavius because of all the crucifixions they had done there.
Jesus fell down again.
Frustrated, Flavius looked at the growing crowd of people. He noticed an african bystander who looked strong. " You" he said to the bystander. " Pick up that crossbeam and follow us". The heavy crossbeam was put on his strong shoulders and the procession was started again.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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