Wednesday, January 9, 2013

the embrace: embrace sin

the embrace: embrace sin by ric gustafson

I John 1:8- ' If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us'

Because of sin, our lives are a mess. Everyone sins all the time. Romans 1:20 says that men are without excuse. Sin seperates us from God and also from one another. We hide because of our guilt but God wants us to come to him. He delights when we come to him and confess our sins.  Because he loves us so much, then he will our wounds. God wants a relationship with us not because we are good but because he is good. God wants to hear the whole truth and to hold nothing back.

research : ' Embrace Grace' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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