Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No Time chapter 1 page 1

No Time chapter 1 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson Mitchell put his hand into his jeans pocket to get some coins out. He dropped some onto the cold floor of the telephone booth. " Come on" he muttered as he dropped down to try and pick them up. ' Dumb watch' he thought as he began to thumb through the beat up phonebook. He found the page for watch repair and set the phonebook on the cold steel ledge.
He put the coins in and dialed a number.
" Hello Watch Shoppe".
" Yes, may we help you?".
" Yes, my watch broke and I need to have it repaired as soon as possible".
" Of course". The voice hesitated. "  I'm sorry but we recently switched to just fixing clocks".
" Is there another watch repair place you would recommend?".
" Yes, Father's Time which is on Advocate Road".
" Thank you". He hung up the cold phone and reached into his pocket for some more coins. He could not find any more. ' I must of lost some of them' he thought as he jipped up his black and red Columbia winter coat. He opened the cold door and walked out into the cold Nebraska winter.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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