Monday, January 7, 2013

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 20

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 20 by ric gustafson

Jesus raised his head, looked at Pilate but did not say a word.
" Why don't you answer me?". He stared at Jesus. " I have the power to crucify you and I also have the power to release you".
" You could have no power over me at all unless it was given to you from above".
Pilate walked back to the door. " The punishment this man has had is enough".
" If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar".
Pilate sat down on the Judgment Seat. " Behold your King".
" Crucify him".
" What, shall I crucify your King?".
" We have no King but Caesar".
Pilate shook his head in frustration. He clapped his hands for a servant. " Bring me a basin of water".
Shortly, the servant came back with the basin.
Pilate dipped his fingers into the water as he looked at Jesus. After he was done, he stared at the crowd. " I am innocent of the blood of this man".
" May his blood be on us and our children".
Pilate pointed to Flavius. The centurion walked over to the Roman Govenor. " Gather four of your best soldiers and wait for my orders".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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