Friday, January 25, 2013

a great cloud of witnesses page 2

a great cloud of witnesses page 2 by ric gustafson

Charlie could feel it in his legs and on his face. The sun was affecting his running and his legs were getting tired. ' I want to quit this race' he thought to himself as the six mile marker came up. " I'm going to quit" he muttered as he slowed down. He was about to stop when he saw the water station up ahead.
He walked in and was handed a cup of water.
" How are you Charlie my boy?".
He looked up to see the smiling face of his favorite uncle.
" Uncle Frank". He gulped down the water. " What are you doing here?".
" I am here to encourage you to stay in this race and not to give up".
" Uncle Frank, my legs hurt and sweat is stinging my eyes". He gulped down the rest of the water. " I can't go on any farther".
" Remember Charlie when I would tell you when I would get discouraged in my faith".
" Of course I remember" he replied as he noticed other runners running by the tent. " I encouraged you the whole time".
" And that is what I am doing for you right now". He gave him a big hug. " Encouraging you to hang in there and not give up".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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