Sunday, January 6, 2013

the Potter and the Clay 2013 page 2

the Potter and the Clay 2013 page 2 by ric gustafson

Myron woke up and his eyes darted around the large room. There were several large windows and a fire crackled in a nearby fireplace. He noticed pitchers and vases on top of a mantel. Along the walls were wooden shelves filled with clay pots.
" Myron, how do you feel?".
" I hurt all over".
" You have a lot of cuts and scrapes".
" Some young men beat me up".
The young man picked up a broken clay pitcher from a shelf. " Myron, would you like to see my studio?".
" Sure".
They walked to the back of the house. They entered a studio that looked sparse.
The young man put the cracked pitcher on a table.
" What are you planning on doing with that broken pitcher?".
Tears began to form in the young man's eyes. " I'm going to crush this pitcher into dust and start over".

research help: ' Master Potter' by Jill Austin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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