Sunday, January 6, 2013

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 19

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 19 by ric gustafson

Pilate pointed to Flavius. " Take this Jesus into the inner courtyard and scourge him".
" Govenor, I do not disobey orders but I do not want to be in charge of this task".
Pilate pointed at Maeiminus Rausticius. " Will you perform this task?".
" Yes Govenor".
After a period of time, two soldiers dragged a half dead Jesus back into the Hall.
Pilate was sitting in his Judgment Seat.
Jesus was still wearing his own clothes but now had a makeshift crown of thorns that had been roughly put on top of his head.
Flavius could not believe what they had just done to him.
Jesus was propped up and Pilate walked over and then stood next to him.
Flavius walked over and now stood on the other side of Jesus.
Pilate pointed at Jesus. " Behold the man".
" Crucify him, Crucify him".
" I find no fault in him, you crucify him".
" By our law he ought to die, he made himself the Son of God".
This troubled Pilate. He pointed to Flavius and Jesus was led over to the Judgment Seat.
" Where do you come from?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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