Thursday, January 31, 2013

Laws of Growth: Law of Awareness

Laws of Growth: Law of Awareness by ric gustafson

In order for us to grow as christians and individuals, we need to know ourselves. To know ourselves includes our strengths, weaknesses, and interests. We need a sense of where we have been and where we are now. God wants us to have our potential and to do that we need to know where we want to go and where we are right now. God wants us to have direction and a destination.
Some people in life are frustrated because they are not sure where they are in life and where they want to be. Some people are confused in life and don't have a strong sense of purpose or direction. Some people in life do know themselves, know their purpose and are fulfilled in life.
One way to explore ourselves is to explore our passions. One way to explore our passions is to ask ourselves what do we enjoy doing. We can also ask ourselves what would we like to do. We need to ask ourselves why we want to do what we would like to do.
The first step in growth is awareness of where we are and the choices that we have. Then we need to take action  and initiative. Then we need to take our goals public. Then we need to find people who do what we would like to do. Learn from those people and that will help with your growth. Are you willing to pay the price to do what you want to do.
God wants us to be happy here as we serve him. Using the talents and gifts God has given to us, we can be.

research help: ' The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth' by John C Maxwell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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