Friday, January 18, 2013

The Daily Grind: change your world

The Daily Grind: change your world by ric gustafson

We were created to have purpose and meaning in our lives. When we are bogged down by the daily routines in our lives, anything else sometimes seems impossable. The thought of how can I change the world? seems like a silly thought. Doing something different in our lives involves change out of chaos.
We think to ourselves that what I do doesn't really matter. We think that what we contribute to this life doesn't mean much. We downplay our accomplishments and feel that we are not good enough. God wants us to face our fears so we can use our gifts for him. We can serve God when we face our fears and use what he has given to us. We can change our world when we use our time wisely. When we find a passion in life, we need to ask God's direction for guidance. We need the attitude that our life can start again. God wants us to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.

research help: ' Fresh Brewed Life' by Nicole Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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