Sunday, October 30, 2011

new believer 101 page 6

new believer 101 page 6 by ric gustafson.

Mr McCoy smiled as the students took their seats. He looked at the clock on the far wall. " It's 6:oo, let's get started". He began to write on the blackboard. " Tonight is our last night of class".
All the students hollered their approval.
"Tonight, we will be studying the fifth and last new believer benefit".
" What is that Mr McCoy?" yelled a young man.
" A security system that endures".
" Mr McCoy, what do you mean by a security system?".
Bill smiled at the young woman. " In John 10, it says that no one can snatch them out of my hand".
" So we can always know that nothing can seperate us from God's love" asked a young woman.
" Romans 8 explains that, nothing will alter that plan".
The class ended. " Thank you Mr McCoy".
" Thank you for taking this class".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

new believer 101 page 5

new believer 101 page 5 by ric gustafson.

" Tonight's new believer benefit we will be studying is God's Power Cell protection against Satan" Mr McCoy wrote on the blackboard. " I John 5:19 says that Satan has been given authority to influence life on earth".
" So the Devil runs this world" exclaimed a young woman.
" Yes, but those who belong to God do not need to fear him"
" So christians are immune to the attacks of Satan".
" No, christians in this fallen world are tempted to fear the devil".
" So how can we protect ourselves?" asked a young man.
" First of all, God will give you the strength to get through every trial".
" How will he do that?" asked a young woman.
" He will give us the whole armor of God".
" The armor of God?".
" Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the Word of God".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Devil's Food page 3

Devil's Food page 3 by ric gustafson a Halloween story

Roy was reading the newspaper in his brown recliner when he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to reveal a young boy dressed as a pirate and a young girl dressed like a princess.
" Trick or Treat" yelled the small pirate as he stuck out his orange pail.
" Trick or Treat" squealed the young princess.
Roy picked up both baskets and then opened the screen door. " Would you like a candy bar or a Devil's Food zinger?".
" Roy, what are you doing?".
" Handing out Halloween treats".
Margaret gave her husband a serious stare. " Put down those zingers and think about children's interests instead of your own".
With a frown, he put down the basket of zingers and put a candy bar into each of their orange pails.
" Thank you" said the young pirate as he and the small princess ran back to their parents who were watching from the sidewalk.
The next morning, Roy was handing out Devil's Food zingers to his coworkers.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

I pray that everyone has a safe Monday and Halloween. Love Ric

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Devil's Food page 2

Devil's Food page 2 by ric gustafson a Halloween story

Roy looked down at the wheels of the steel cart and listened to the irritating noise they made. " Oh great" he muttered as he stared at the wheels hoping the noise would stop. " Out of all the carts sitting there". He quickly walked past the fruits and vegtables and then turned left toward the seasonal aisle. He saw a sign that explained that the candy bar minatures were on sell. He walked up to the display and began to put bags of the Halloween treats into the cart. He was about to leave the aisle when he spotted the white display at the end of the aisle.
" Hostess" he exclaimed out loud and then quickly walked up to the display. He noticed the crumb cake and chocolate donuts and then a smile came to his face. " Devil's Food zingers". He put one into the cart for himself and began to walk. He stopped himself and held up a box. " I wonder if trick or treaters would like them too".
He stared at the cart and knew he was only supposed to bring home minature candy bars. He loved the chocolate outside and the creamy filling inside. ' I'll just take a few boxes to mix in with the candy bars' he thought as he put them into the cart. With a sense of accomplishment, he paid for the groceries and left the store.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

new believer 101 page 4

new believer 101 page 4 by ric gustafson.

Mr McCoy was writing on the blackboard when he noticed that it was 6:00. " It's 6:00, let's get started". He pointed at the blackboard. " Tonight, we will be studying the new believer benefit of direct access to the Father".
" Direct access?" replied a young female with a confused stare.
" How many of you have a daily quiet time with God?".
Just a few raised their hands.
" Prayer is the most direct access to God".
" Quiet time in the morning is hard " a young man said with a yawn. " I'm not a morning person".
" It doesn't matter to God when you pray as long as you do it without ceasing".
" Without ceasing?".
" God wants our prayers 24 hours a day".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the miracle at Gettysburg page 3

the miracle at Gettysburg page 3 by ric gustafson.

Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and Buster Kilrain walked out of the tent. Joshua squinted at the bright sun as they walked across the open field. " One hundred twenty men".
" Yes Colonel, all Maine men".
He coughed and tried to focus his eyes. He had walked eighty miles in four days through the hottest weather of the summer. He was still feeling the effects of sunstroke.
" Who are these men Kilrain?".
" Men from the disbanded Second Maine" he replied as they walked up to a group of men who were sitting on the ground . " They do not want to fight any longer".
Joshua now stood in front of the dejected soldiers.
" Oh, one more thing Colonel" Kilrain said as he pulled a memo from a pocket and studied it. " If these men refuse to fight, you have the right to shoot them".
Joshua turned his head in shock. " Shoot them!". The thirty four year old Professor of Rhetoric cleared his throat. " Have you boys eaten today?".
Several of the men shook their heads no.
" We have grievances Colonel" said a young man who was sitting up front. " The men have elected me to talk for them".
" Very well I'll talk to you, the rest of you go over to the food wagon and get something to eat".
After a long talk, Joshua and the man named Bucklin came out of the tent and walked back to the men.
Just then, a rider came up. " Is there a Chamberlain here?".
" Colonel Chamberlain".
" Sir, the Corps is moving out and your 20th Maine is to lead the way".
Joshua nodded and then looked at the men on the ground. " We are moving out and I have been ordered to take you with us"." he said with a serious look on his face. " If you would like to join us, we will give you a rifle and my thanks".

research help: ' The Killer Angels' by Michael Shaara.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Devil's Food page 1

Devil's Food page 1 by ric gustafson a halloween story

Roy McReed pressed the white garage door button to shut the garage door. He opened the kitchen door and walked into the spacious newly remodeled kitchen. " Hi sweetie".
" Hi honey" Margaret McReed replied as she put down a carving knife. " I'm just finishing up our halloween pumpkin".
He yawned as he put his brown briefcase on top of their wooden hutch. " Work was really busy today". He walked over to the white refrigerator, opened it and peered inside. " Sweetie, have you seen my Hostess treats?".
" Yes, on the side next to your cheese slices".
He saw the familiar red, white and blue package. He opened it and took a long bite. " I love these things".
" What are they?".
" Hostess Devil's Food zingers".
" Oh, I need you to do something for me".
" Anything" he said with a grin as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
" I need you to go to the store and purchase our halloween candy for tomorrow".
" Ok".

I pray that everyone is ok on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Love Ric

Saturday, October 22, 2011

new believer 101 page 3

new believer 101 page 3 by ric gustafson.

Mr McCoy watched as the students slowly came in and took their seats. " Ok it's 6:00" he said as he looked at the clock on the wall. " Let's get started". He took a marker and began to write on the blackboard. " The second benefit of a new believer is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside us".
" Indwelling?" inquired a young man as he scratched his chin.
" God wants his Holy Spirit to be in us and be the only guest".
" The only guest?" asked a confused young woman.
" Think of yourself as a sin stained hotel" Mr McCoy said as he grinned at the students. " Would you want God's perfect Holy Spirit to be a guest at your hotel?".
" No" yelled all the students.
" God wants us to be filled and walk in the Spirit".
" How do we walk in the Spirit?" asked a young man.
" We obey Jesus and trust him as Savior".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle at Gettysburg page 2

the miracle at Gettysburg page 2 by ric gustafson.

Major Sorrel and Harrison rode toward the South's tents.
" General, do you trust this spy?" General Robert E Lee quietly asked as he watched the two ride away.
" No choice Sir".
Lee shook his head in frustration. " Am I to lead this army based on what a paid spy tells me".
" Sir, we can't afford not to".
" Has anybody heard anything from Jeb Stuart?".
" No Sir".
Lee again shook his head. " Stuart would not leave us blind".
" Harrison also told me that George Meade is in command now".
" Meade" Lee replied as he thought for a moment. " He will be cautious".
" Yes Sir".
Lee pointed toward his new adjutant. " Frederick, can you please bring us a map?". He put it on top of a small table. " Oh General this is my new adjutant Frederick Anderson".
Both men looked at the map. Longstreet pointed out everything Harrison had told him.
" General, what is the name of this small town that all the roads converge on?".
Longstreet bent down to the map. " Gettysburg Sir".
" Very well General" Lee said in a tired voice. " We'll move at dawn".

research help: ' The Killer Angels' by Michael Shaara

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric

Thursday, October 20, 2011

the miracle at Gettysburg page 1

the miracle at Gettysburg page 1 by ric gustafson.

General James Longstreet opened his eyes in fear and noticed that his body was damp from sweat. He had been having a bad dream about his three dead children.
" Sir".
He looked over to see his aide Sorrel standing next to him. " You asked me to wake you if Harrison came back".
Longstreet got off the cot, put on a blue robe and slippers and then walked outside the tent. He was not expecting the spy to come back. He saw a small man with a floppy hat on and riding a pale horse.
" General, would you mind if I dismount my horse?".
Longstreet nodded his approval.
The spy slowly dismounted his horse and now stood by it. He sniffed the cool air. " Any more of that good southern tobacco?".
" What do you have for me?".
" Well General, I know where the Union army is".
" You do!".
" General, I saw the First and Eleventh Corps led by John Reynolds in Taneytown this morning".
" In Taneytown this morning".
" General, that is the God fearing truth".
Longstreet stared at the spy and then turned toward Major Sorrel. " Well Major, I think we need to wake the old man up".

research help: ' The Killer Angels' by Michael Shaara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 5

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 5 by ric gustafson.

Rolf looked out through one of the observation windows at the gray and rainy afternoon. He could see the towers of Manhattan through the clouds. The giant airship flew lower past the Statue of Liberty and Times Square as thousands of New Yorkers pointed and yelled. The Hindenburg quietly flew over Brooklyn as the Brooklyn Dodgers were playing below. As the giant airship flew over the Hudson River and turned south toward New Jersey, black clouds were approaching suggesting a thunderstorm.
As the Hindenburg approached Lakehurst, rain started along with lightening. Captain Pruss decided not to land but to fly southeast over the Toms River and wait for the storm to end. Over three hours, the airship flew and waited but the storm got worse. The storm stopped just as the giant airship approached Lakehurst again. Captain Pruss decided to try and land the airship.
Rolf stared through the observation window as he saw one rope by the bow and one by the stern. The ropes were pulling the airship down toward the mooring mast. Rolf could see that the airship was still pretty high off of the ground. He felt a hand on his shoulder.
" Thank you for everything you did for me" Willy said as he hugged his new friend.
Just then, Rolf heard a popping noise that came from the stern of the airship. Rolf looked out the observation window to see workers down below running away in all directions.
As Rolf looked away from the window, an explosion ripped through the top of the airship and threw both Rolf and Willy onto the B deck catwalk. The airship began to tip onto it's stern and quickly became a ball of flame. Rolf and Willy quickly made their way back to the observation windows. Rolf noticed some burnt bed linens and quickly made two ropes out of them. He broke out two of the giant windows. With flames surrounding them and the ropes secured to what was left of the airship, the two men lowered themselves to the ground. As firemen and Navy personnel threw blankets over them, Rolf and Willy watched as the remains of the Hindenburg fell in a ball of flame to the ground. Both men praised God for protecting them.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 4

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 4 by ric gustafson.

Rolf sat by one of the big observation windows and looked over the coast of the United States. It was 4:30 am and he could not sleep. He got up to get a cup of coffee and a roll. He noticed that the Captain of the airship was sitting at a nearby table. He walked up to him.
" Captain Pruss, I'm Rolf Muller" he quietly said as he shook the Captain's hand.
" Nice to meet you" was the Captain's reply as he stood up and clicked his heels. " I knew your father when he worked for Zeppelin".
" This is a beautiful airship Captain".
" Thank you" the Captain replied as he clicked his heels again. " Barring a bad rain storm, we should be landing at Lakehurst around 4:00 this afternoon".
Rolf sat back down near the observation window when he felt a tear on his shoulder. He turned to see Willy standing next to him with tears flowing down his face.
" Rolf, thank you for the bible" the young steward said loudly as he hugged him. " After reading it all night, I gave my life to Christ". After another hug, he walked away.
Rolf thanked the Lord for what had just happened in Willy's life.

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 3

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 3 by ric gustafson.

" These are brand new sleeping cabins" Willy said as they walked by the new rooms.
" Willy, have you ever had a bible?" Rolf asked as they began to walk down a narrow catwalk.
" No". He gave Rolf a sad look. " My parents are members of the Nazi party and threw our only bible into a book fire".
They stopped in front of a mass of wires, girders, struts and huge gas cells that made up the heart of the airship.
" Willy, you can have my pocket bible" Rolf said with a big smile as he handed the small black bible to the young man. " I have another one in my suitcase".
" I don't know Mr Muller".
He put a hand on the young steward's arm. " I want you to have it".
" I'll read it in my cabin" he said as tears formed in his eyes. " Thank you".

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 2

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 2 by ric gustafson.

Rolf sat next to one of the big observation windows and looked at the unending scenery. The giant airship had just flown over the English Channel and now was flying over Southern Ireland. This was a diffrent route to avoid a storm that was coming.
At 11:00 in the morning, Rolf walked to the portside dining room to get a cup of coffee and a roll before lunch. He sat down and began to read from a small pocket bible that he had in his front pocket.
" Excuse me".
He turned to see a young steward next to him. " I'm sorry to bother you".
" What can I do for you?".
" I could not but notice that you were reading the bible" the young man said as he pointed at the small bible in Rolf's hand. " Are you a christian?".
" Yes, I'm Rolf Muller".
" I'm Willy Mather, assistant head steward of this airship" he said as he shook Rolf's hand. " I'm curious about the bible in your hand".
" Willy, we can talk about the bible any time you have the time".

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

new believer 101 page 2

new believer 101 page 2 by ric gustafson

Mr McCoy wrote on the blackboard. " 2nd Corinthians 5:17 is a great example of how God transforms us"
" Transforming us is a hard concept" said a young woman who was wearing a green stocking cap.
" True" he replied with a smile. " This bible verse says that the old things have passed away and all things have become new". " This verse also says that we are a new creation in Christ".
" A new creation?" inquired a young man.
" After you gave your life to Christ, do you feel any different on the outside?".
" No" said the young man as he stared at himself. " I still look the same".
" Jesus says that on the inside, we have been born again".
" Born again?" a young woman asked with a confused look.
" Now that we are a new creation in Christ, God sees us as righteous and holy".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 1

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 1 by ric gustafson.
Rolf Muller sat in a seat next to the window of the bus and stared at the white stucco houses with red tile roofs. The bus was heading through Zeppelinheim which was a town built for Zeppelin employees and their families. Fritz Muller had worked for Dr Hugo Eckener and Zeppelin for 25 years and was now retired. Rolf became a christian while living in Zeppelin with his parents and was not interested in the Nazi way of life. He had been interested in airships most of his life and since his father worked for Zeppelin, was able to spend time around the Graf Zeppelin- predecessor to the Hindenburg.
Rolf was always interested in helium and hydrogen gas which made these huge airships fly. He enrolled in the local university to study to be a chemist and because of his grades, his father was able to pull some strings and get him a ticket on the Hindenburg. As the bus came near the new Rhein- Main World airport, Rolf's excitement grew. He saw the huge Zeppelin hangar which was a thousand feet long and twenty stories high.
Rolf and the other passengers walked through the door of the huge hangar and had to stop at a huge table of Nazi uniformed agents who were checking luggage, tickets and passports. While waiting in line, Rolf overheard two young Luftwaffe officers conversing about the giant airship. One of the young officers asked why they were using more dangerous hydrogen gas instead of the safer helium gas. The other officer replied that they were using the hydrogen gas so they could store more cargo and carry more passengers. After getting past the ticket and passport table, Rolf started walking toward the airship. He strained his neck and could not believe how big the airship was. Underneath the belly of the airshp was a control gondola. In front of the gondola, was a row of observation windows. On the back of the Hindenburg were four fins each with the pride of the Nazi party- the swastika.
Rolf walked up a retractable stairway into the airship and then up some stairs to the B deck. The bar and smoking room was located here and then Rolf walked up to the A deck. This deck contained the cabins, dining and observation area. He walked toward the front of the airship where there was a huge lounge and observation area to look out.
research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins
Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

new believer 101 page 1

new believer 101 page 1 by ric gustafson.

Bill McCoy wrote the words ' New Believer 101' on the blackboard as new students walked in and took their seats. He knew that this was a new believer class because all the students were smiling and happy. He finished writing on the board and then turned to stand behind his podium.
When he saw that the clock said 6:00, he cleared his throat. " Welcome new believers" he said as he smiled. " Welcome to the body of Christ".
Everyone clapped.
" My name is Mr McCoy and this is new believer 101".
He turned toward the blackboard. " As a new believer, we are going to first go over five specific benefits that we receive as new believers in Christ".
" Let's get started" he said as he picked up a marker and began to write on the board. " The first benefit of a new believer is a transformation process that we experience".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 14, 2011

a carwash christian life page 7

a carwash christian life page 7 by ric gustafson.

Isaiah 40:31-' Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength'

The car is now at the end of the track and the carwash. As soon as you put the car into drive and put your feet on the pedals, you see a machine on your left. This machine shows either a red light saying Wait or a green light saying Go. As I wait for this machine to turn to green, I wonder if the christian life is like this sign.
At times, the christian life is fast and furious and then sometimes God wants is to stop, reflect and listen. Sometimes God will ask you to do something for him that is outside of your comfort zone. Do we step on the pedal to go or do we hesitate and want to think about it first.
My prayer is that we will say yes God I will do it and then the light will turn green.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

a carwash christian life page 6

a carwash christian life page 6 by ric gustafson

Psalm 51:10-' Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me'

Your car is now in neutral and going down the track by itself. Water is coming from both sides and is getting the car ready for the next phase. All of a sudden, white foamy suds are now washing the front, sides and back of the car. As the car keeps going, water washes off the car. As the car nears the end, a huge vent begins to dry off the car. As this happens, I ponder the question is my spiritual life spotfree or not.
The God we love and obey is a jealous God and wants 100 percent of our heart at all times. The sinful part of our heart says I'm still keeping part of it for myself. This thinking makes God sad because he wants 100 percent of us. He washes all of us and our car because he wants all of us at all times not just 90 percent.
After the car is dried, the exit is near.

Everybody take care. Love Ric.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

a carwash christian life page 5

a carwash christian life page 5 by ric gustafson.

John 14:1-' Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me'

After you put in your code number and hit the enter button, you can proceed with the carwash. Immediately, you will see a sign telling you to do some things. First, it tells you to put the car into neutral. This means you need to take your feet off of the pedals and let the track move the car. My first reaction is wait a minute! I can't do that.
I believe that the christian life is a constant struggle between our will and God's will. Our sinful will is to have our feet always on the pedals, the car in drive and to be in charge of our own lives. But that is not what God wishes for our brief life here on this earth. God wants us to take our feet off the pedals of our sinful will and let him take control of our life. God wants his will to drive our lives. It feels uncomfortable to not be in control of our lives but Jesus says believe in me and not be afraid.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 36

the miracle on Titanic page 36 by ric gustafson.

David opened his eyes after praying for quite a while to see a frightened young woman sitting right next to him.
" Sir, please help me".
A strange noise made people run toward the stern. The grand lights that made the ship illuminate went dark. The bow of the great ship was dipping faster into the icy water.
David could hear glasses and plates crashing to the floor in the first class dining room.
" I can't find my lifebelt" the young woman pleaded as she hung unto David's arms. " My name is Abbie Malone, please save me".
' God, please help us' David prayed as he and the young woman scrambled to the railing at the stern of the ship. After a while, the stern raised up into the sky and passengers were hanging onto the railing for dear life.
A large voice tried to convince David that giving the young woman his lifebelt was a dumb idea. A small voice told David that she needed it more than he did. The small voice prevailed.
"Here, take my lifebelt" he said with a smile as he put it on her. " My name is David".
" Bless you David" she replied as they both reached the railing of the stern and now hung on for dear life.
David closed his eyes to pray when he heard a splash. The young woman could not hold on any longer. He heard a grinding noise and saw that the bow of the ship had broken apart from the stern and had completely gone under the ocean. The stern was now going under too.
" Lord" he said quietly as he knew his arms could not hold out much longer. " Remember me your servant".
When he could not hold on any longer, he let go of the railing and fell into the icy dark water.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 35

the miracle on Titanic page 35 by ric gustafson.

David held onto Charlene's hand as he led her and her mother toward a crowd gathered by a lifeboat. He could not see Charlene's brother but led the other two past the ship's orchestra that was playing some lively songs. They joined a crowd as an officer waved a revolver at them. " Women and children only". Chaos insued as women and children yelled and cried for their fathers and husbands. The men reassured them and then stood back.
David led the two up to the lifeboat. " You both need to get in" he said with a smile. He hugged them both as he helped them get into the wooden boat.
" David, I won't leave without you" Charlene yelled as the officer helped more women and children get in and then motioned for the ropes to be lowered.
" We'll be together soon".
" David, remember your promise to Jesus" she said as the boat was lowered toward the frigid water.
" I will" he quietly replied. He noticed that even though all the lights were still on in the huge liner, the bow of the ship was slowly tipping downward into the icy water.
He walked toward the stern of the ship and noticed that the last of the lifeboats were being lowered. Somebody ran by him screaming that the majority of the third class passengers were still trapped down below.
David found a bench near the stern of the ship, sat down and began to pray to God.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 34

the miracle on Titanic page 34 by ric gustafson

Mon April 15 1912 12:25 am

Fifty eight miles away, Harold Cottam , who was the only wire operator on the liner Carpathia, was ready to turn off his set for the night. He had not heard from the Titanic for a while and decided to try and contact them one more time. With his headphones on, all of a sudden he received an SOS from the liner. " Are you sure" he tapped back. " Do you require assistance?".
" Yes, please come quickly" was tapped back.
Cottam knew that their ship had basically stopped because of all the ice surrounding them. He took off the headphones and ran to tell his Captain the news.
An officer banged on David's door.
He opened it. " Yes".
" Please put your lifebelt on and follow me".
He closed the door and quickly walked up to the boat deck. He noticed officers starting to take the tarps off of the lifeboats and Mr Boxhall shooting a distress rocket into the cold night sky.
With scared eyes, David prayed to God for protection as he ran back downstairs. He knocked on his mother's door.
She opened it with a hesitant look. " David, what is going on?".
" Mother, you need to put your lifebelt on and follow me up to the boat deck".
" David, I'm not properly dressed".
" Mother, we need to go now" he replied as he noticed that the hallway was getting more noiser and more chaotic.
She put on a fur and her lifebelt and followed her son.
David banged on Charlene's door. Her brother opened it.
" What's going on David?.
" You and your brother need to follow my mother and I up to the boat deck".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 10, 2011

the spear soldier page 5

the spear soldier page 5 by ric gustafson

" I am the light of the world".
Cassius heard these words as he tried to muscle his way through the large crowd. One of the soldiers pointed out the Rabbi in white but the crowd was dense around him.
" My Father who sent me is with me, he testifies about me".
Cassius looked around and wondered who is father was.
" After a little while, I will be going back to him who sent me" Jesus said with authority in his voice. " You will look for me but you will not be able to find me".
Cassius found himself frozen in the crowd listening to this Rabbi.
" Everyone who sins willfully is a slave to sin".
" Our Father is Abraham" a Pharisee yelled. " We are not slaves to anyone".
" Before Abraham came to be, I am".
" Blasphemer" yelled someone from the crowd. " Stone him".
The crowd began to yell " stone him".
As some in the crowd began to gather stones, Cassius watched the Rabbi slip away.

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Sunday, October 9, 2011

a carwash christian life page 4

a carwash christian life page 4 by ric gustafson

Matthew 25:46-' These will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life".

When you drive into the carwash and pull up to the machine, you need to make a choice. Choice
A is that you put in the code number, push the enter button and then you can continue with the carwash. Just as in life, you also have Choice B. You can tell God that you and your car are just fine and you do not need or your car to be made clean.
Jesus points out that unbelievers will go into the same eternal fire as the Devil and his angels. Hell is described as a place of torment where everyone will be tormented individually. Hell is also described as a place of abandonment. Making Choice B is easy, just say no to the carwash and Christ. My prayer is that everyone chooses Choice A.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 33

the miracle on Titanic page 33 by ric gustafson

Sun April 14 1912 11:45 pm

" Mr Murdoch, have you already closed the watertight doors?".
" Aye Sir".
" Mr Boxhall" Captain Smith asked as he petted his hound. " I want you to go below starboard and report to me as far as damage".
A short time later, he came back. " The Orlop deck is flooded forward of number 4 bulkhead and the mail clerks are moving the mail to G deck".
" Mr Boxhall, what is our position right now?".
The young officer looked at a chart. " I believe it is 41' 46' North and 50' 14' West".
Captain Smith walked downstairs to the wire room.
" Is something going on Captain?" Phillips asked.
" We have struck an iceberg" he said with a stern look as he handed him a piece of paper. " Send out a CQD with our position on it".
The Captain walked to the lowest part of the ship and watched as sea water poured in near F deck.
Thomas Andrews walked up. " Captain, I have bad news".
" How bad is it Mr Andrews?".
" Water will rise to E deck and start to fill up the watertight compartments just like filling up ice cube trays". " If it fills up five or more compartments, the ship will not float".
" Mr Andrews" Captain Smith asked as he stared at the sea water pouring in. " How much time do we have?".
" According to my calculations, one hour possibly two at the most".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Friday, October 7, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 32

the miracle on Titanic page 32 by ric gustafson.

Sun April 14 1912 11:35 pm

Sixth Officer Moody heard the bell ring three times. He picked up the Crow Nest's phone.
Fleet's voice was clear and to the point. " Iceberg right ahead".
He hung up the phone. " Mr Murdoch, iceberg right ahead".
First Officer Murdoch yelled to the helmsman. " Hard astarboard".
The yeoman swung the wheel to the right.
Murdoch yelled to Moody. " All stop, full speed astern".
Moody swung the handle of the telegraph to all stop and then moved the handle to full astern.
Both officers knew they could not avoid the iceberg.
Mr Murdoch pressed a red button and closed all the watertight doors.
David was trying to sleep when he heard a strange scraping noise on the starboard side. He walked to the window and noticed a dark mass go by. Ice chunks were dropping onto the Forward Well Deck.
" Hard aport" Murdoch yelled.
A tired looking Captain Smith appeared on the bridge. " Mr Murdoch, what have we struck?".
" An iceberg Sir!".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

the miracle on Titanic page 31

the miracle on Titanic page 31 by ric gustafson.

Sun April 14 1912 9:30 pm

Bride took off his headphones and closed his eyes to rest for a moment from all the personal messages he had been sending. He opened his eyes as an incoming warning came in. " From Mesaba to Titanic, heavy pack ice, large icebergs and field ice latitude 42' North to 41' 25' North, longitude 49' West to 50' 30' West. Frustrated, he ripped off the warning and put it on top of the other incoming messages.
David and his mother were walking along the boat deck and he noticed how quiet it was. The water was calm but the temperature had gotten a lot colder and hardly anybody was out.
" I'm proud of you David" she said lovingly as she kissed his cheek.
" Why is that?".
" For giving your life to Christ". She began to shiver in the cold night air.
" It seems like my life has totally changed since this morning".
" That's the Holy Spirit working in your heart" she said as the cold air was starting to really bother her. " David, I'm really cold out here".
" I am too" David replied with a smile. They began to walk back toward the first class lounge.

11:00 pm

Jack Phillips was sending out more personal messages when his headphones crackled with a hot wire. It was a warning from the Californian. " We are stopped and surrounded by ice".
Angrily, he wired back. " Shut up, you are jamming my signal". He shook his head and wired back. " I'm busy right now".
He got no response back.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 30

the miracle on Titanic page 30 by ric gustafson

Sun April 14 1912 2:oo pm

Charlene and David were walking along the chilly deck when Bruce Ismay walked up.
" Good afternoon you two" he said as he tipped his bowler hat. " We seem to be making good time".
Charlene buttoned the blue coat she was wearing. " It sure feels really cold out here".
" We are in icy waters" was the quiet reply as he buttoned his own coat. " Captain Smith has already given me some ice warnings" He pulled out a wire and showed it to them. " We are certainly in among some icebergs but we are keeping special watch for them.

5:50 pm

Second Officer Lightoller stepped onto the bridge and knew his watch was going to last until 10:00. He was a career seaman and had been with the White Star Line for twelve years. " Mr Moody" he asked the young officer who was also present on the bridge. " Do you know when we will reach 42' North to 49' to 51' degrees West".
Sixth Officer James Moody was a young man in his mid twenties. He walked over and studied the charts. " I believe around 11:oo Sir".
" Could you please close the blinds?" he asked as somebody lit the navigational lights. " I do not want much in the way of lights tonight in the bridge area".

7:20 pm

A signal came over the wire and Harold Bride jumped in his chair. He put on his headphones and wrote down the message. He walked quickly up the stairs and handed the message to Officer Lightoller.
" Sir" he said as he hesitated. " A report from the Californian, three large bergs ahead of us latitude 42' 3' North, longitude 49' 9' West".
" Thank you Mr Bride" the officer replied as he handed the wire to Officer Moody. " Mr Moody, could you please take this wire to Captain Smith". " Mr Bride, if you receive any more ice warnings" he said with a grin. " Could you please give them to me immediately".
" Aye Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 29

the miracle on Titanic page 29 by ric gustafson.

Sun April 14 1912 1:30 pm

Both Bride and Phillips were working hard on personal messages when a wire came in. Bride listened and wrote it down on a pad. " From the Baltic, Greek steamer Athinai reports passing icebergs and lots of field ice in latitude 41' 51' North, longitude 49' 52' West".
Bride tore off the message and handed it to Phillips. " You better go give it to Captain Smith".
He walked up and handed the wire to the Captain. " Sir, here is another ice warning from the Baltic that just came over the wire".
" Thank you Phillips" he replied as he put the warning into his shirt pocket. " That will be all".
He went back down to the wire room. He noticed Bride writing down another warning. " What did you get now?".
" An ice warning from the German liner Amerika that they have passed two large icebergs at latitude 41' 51' North, longitude 50' 8' West".
" Phillips, should we give this one to the captain?".
" No!" was his reply as he looked at the warning. " I'm already in enough trouble".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a carwash christian life page 3

a carwash christian life page 3 by ric gustafson.

Revelation 3:20-' Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in'.

The light turns green and the entrance door opens. We drive into the carwash and I put the left side tires into a trough. I stop the car next to a machine and realize that we cannot go any farther. When you pay for your gas and your carwash, you are given a reciept with a series of numbers on it. You need to put this group of numbers into the machine in order to proceed with the carwash.
I believe that this machine asking for your code number represents the crossroads in everyone's life. There will be a day when everyone's life will pause and a choice has to be made. Everyone will have two choices and your choice will have eternal consequences. God will quietly knock on the door to your heart and will simply ask to come in. If you say yes, he will come in with the Holy Spirit and dwell in you forever.
If you put the code number into the machine, you can proceed with the carwash and be made clean.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 28

the miracle on Titanic page 28 by ric gustafson

Sun April 14 1912 10:10 am

Reverend Rossup entered the first class dining room and saw David and Charlene sitting at one of the tables. " Good morning to the two of you".
" Reverend" she said with a smile as she held onto David's arm. " David would like to ask you something".
He turned toward the young man as he put his robe on. " What did you want to ask me?".
" Reverend Rossup" he asked quietly as he held onto his mother's bible. " After the service ends, I want to give my life to Christ".
" It will be an honor to witness that".
The ship's orchestra provided the music and Captain Smith had everyone sing a hymn of the Sea.
After the service, David knelt next to Charlene and Reverend Rossup.
" David, just simply say Lord please come into my life".
" Lord, please come into my life".
" Lord, I give you my life please make it your own".
" Lord, I give you my life please make it your own".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward".
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward".
" Amen".
" Amen".
David looked up at Charlene as tears ran down his face.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Saturday, October 1, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 27

the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric gustafson.

Sun April 14 1912 8:45 am

Jack Phillips took the wire out of his pocket and knew he was in big trouble. He walked onto the bridge and handed it to Captain Smith. " Captain, I have an ice warning for you".
He opened the wire and read it. " It is a warning from the Caronia that's dated two days ago". He frowned and stared at the scared wireless operator. " Any more ice warnings need to be given to me at once, understood".
" Aye Sir" Phillips replied with a relieved look as he walked away. He walked back to the cramped wire room where Bride was busy tapping out personal messages. " What are you doing?".
" Look at this whole stack of messages I have to send out" he said with a sigh as he held up a huge stack. " The machine had broken down until 5 this morning and I have all these messages to catch up on".
" If you get any ice warnings" Phillips said as he sat down in an empty chair. " Captain Smith wants to see them right away".
" Ok" Bride replied with a sigh as he went back to tapping out passenger messages.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a carwash christian life page 2

a carwash christian life page 2 by ric gustafson.

Psalm 25:5- ' In you I wait all the day'

My wife and I are still waiting for that little light to turn green and the door to open. I wonder if I ask the right way when I pray. Do I ask in a sincere truthful manner from the heart or do I ask in which I think about myself and my sinful desires.
I believe that God is waiting to turn that light to green and open that closed door when we ask with a truthful and open heart. God knows that when our heart is open he will open that door. God also knows how quickly that red light will come on, our heart will harden and the door will close.
I believe that God wants us to pray and ask him with a sincere and open heart. When we do, I believe the light will turn green and the door will open. Then we will be able to enter the carwash and continue our journey.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.