Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mr President page 3

 Mr President page 3 by ric gustafson

President Washington's Secretary of the Treasury was a 34 year old former military aide. His name was Alexander Hamilton. In Jan 1791, Hamilton proposes taxing alcohol distilled in the US. Congress passes the bill. The first true challenge to federal authority happens. The farmers refuse to pay the tax. President Washington tries to persuade the farmers to go along with the tax. Washington fought the farmers for three years.
In 1794, 62 year old President Washington had seen enough. He had moved the nation's capital to Philadelphia. He likes it there compared to New York. Now in his second term, he has been dealing with crisis after crisis. British warships have been seizing American merchant vessels. In 1793, Thomas Jefferson resigns as Secretary of State. President Washington leads 13,000 men against the whisky rebels. Not a shot was fired. The whiskey rebels flee. A strong central government is affirmed.
On March 4 1797, President Washington is ready to become a gentleman farmer again at Mount Vernon. His farewell address was to reassure the people that the Constitution was strong and can stand on it's own. Then President George Washington stepped aside leaving America stronger than it was. America quietly awaits the next President.

research help: ' Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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