Sunday, April 30, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 23

 the miracle on Titanic page 23 by ric gustafson

David and Charlene walked up to the entrance of the first class lounge. As he as about to open the door, four people walked out.
" Good afternoon Mr Sharpston". It was Captain Smith, Mr Boxhall and an older couple.
Charlene smiled. " Afternoon Captain".
" I would like to introduce Lady Lucy Duff and her husband Cosmo".
" Nice to meet you".
Cosmo shook David's hand. " Are you related to the Sharpston Steel Company?".
David grinned. " Yes my father started the company". He pointed to Charlene. " This is Charlene Moton".
" As in Moton Construction".
Charlene grinned. " Yes, it was started by my grandfather".
Captain Smith turned to his fourth officer. " Mr Boxhall, have we received any reports of ice".
" Not yet Sir".
" How many miles did we do yesterday?".
" I believe 519 miles Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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