Friday, April 7, 2023

4/14/1865: 7:00 am

 4/14/1865: 7:00 am by ric gustafson

The polished rosewood bedroom door opened. President Abraham Lincoln slowly walked out. He walked past the hall nightman.
" Morning Mr President".
Lincoln frowned. He did not feel well. He had circles under his eyes. His legs were perpetually bent at the knees. His feet barely lifted on the rug.  He walked past several men who were there wanting a favor from him. His office was on the same floor as his bedroom.
He stopped at his office door. A soldier came to attention.
" Morning Mr President".
Lincoln walked into the large office. He sat down at a small table near the south window. He looked out. It was a misty morning and chilly. Washington was just starting it's day. Lincoln picked up a newspaper from the table.
Lincoln knew it was Good Friday and the last day of Lent.

research help: ' The day Lincoln was shot' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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