Thursday, April 13, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 16

 the miracle on Titanic page 16 by ric gustafson

First Officer Murdoch stared at the Fourth Officer. " Do you have our binoculars?".
" No Sir". Boxhall looked worried. " I gave them to Fleet who is up in the Crow's Nest".
" Do we have another pair?".
" No Sir. I believe that is the only pair".
" When he is done". His voice hesitated. " You make sure that pair comes to the bridge".
" Aye Sir".
Just then, Captain Smith walked onto the bridge. Behind him was Bruce Ismay. He was the Director of the White Star Line.
" Captain, when do we arrive at Queensland?".
Captain Smith stroked his grey beard. " We should arrive there by noon tomorrow".
The Director picked up a chart. " What is this course?".
Captain Smith glanced at the chart. " This is the course Mr Boxhall has laid out for us".
Ismay stared at the Fourth Officer. " Why South?".
" It is a safer route". He smiled. " And we can watch out better for ice".
" Nonsense" he growled at the Fourth Officer. " It will add a day, I will not allow it".
Boxhall looked at the Director. " What about the ice Sir?".
" If you get any reports of ice". He frowned at the Fourth Officer. " You bring them directly to me".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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