Monday, April 24, 2023

New Testament: Colossians page 1

New Testament: Colossians page 1 by ric gustafson

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to an infant church. At the time he was in prison in Rome. The church was Colossae. The infant church was started by one of Paul's friends. His name was Epaphras. Epaphras became a believer because of Paul. 
Colossae was located one hundred miles east of Ephesus on the southern bank of the Lycus River. Paul wrote a small letter but his concerns were many. He was concerned about the faith of the believers there. He wanted the believers there to be authentic. Paul was also worried about false teachings.
Paul was worried about the purity and impact of the gospel. 
Let us look at the book of Colossians.

research help: ' The Resurrected Jesus' by David Limbaugh and Christen Bloom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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