Tuesday, April 11, 2023

4/14/1865 8:00 am

 4/14/1865 8:00 am by ric gustafson

President Lincoln was eating his usual breakfast. It was one egg and one cup of coffee. As he ate, he listened to his son Robert. He was telling his father about his tour of duty with General Grant. Mary Lincoln and Tad were listening to him also. Mary wanted to see the play at Ford's Theatre that evening. The President smiled. He would take care of it.
She asked Robert if he wanted to go with them. He was now 21. He had promised to be with his friends that evening. 
Then President Lincoln went to work. His office was in the southeast corner of the White House. In the center of the office was an oak table where Cabinet meetings were held. Over the mantel was a black and white engraving of President Andrew Jackson. After scanning the morning paper, President Lincoln was ready for his first guest.

research help: ' The Day Lincoln was shot' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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