Friday, May 6, 2016

the Kommandant page 6

the Kommandant page 6 by ric Gustafson

Since my time at Dachau, there has always been Jews in concentration camps. Some of them were lucky enough to get the necessary visa together and be freed within a few weeks. Those who violated the racial laws had to stay. I became acquainted with the Jews because of Kristallnacht in 1938. I personally never hated the Jews. They were however enemies of the state.
Auschwitz under my command became the largest human killing center in history. I obeyed every order from Hitler or Himmler. In the summer of 1941, I was called to report to Himmler in Berlin. I was given the order for the final solution to the Jewish question. We the SS were to carry out this order. My camp was selected because of it's transport facilities and because the area was isolated.
We were told that the Jews were the eternal enemies of the German people. And because of that, they had to be exterminated. If we do not succeed, the Jews will destroy the German people.
After returning to the camp, I was visited by Major Adolf Eichmann of the Reich Security Headquarters.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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