Saturday, May 21, 2016

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 1

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 1 by ric Gustafson

Clete Averill stopped in front of the neon sign. His right foot was very sore. The sign read ' 60th Street Juice Bar'. He smiled. " Hopefully I can get something to drink before the Brewers Cubs game". He walked through the open doorway. He glanced around to see that the place was completely empty of patrons. He noticed a young bearded man with a large white apron on. He was toweling dry some juice glasses.
" Welcome". The young man walked behind the counter. " What can I do for you?".
Clete smacked his dry lips. " Do you have a beer or something cold?".
" Sorry". He picked up the remote and changed the TV station to the ION Network. " Just juices".
He looked perplexed. " Juices?".
" Yep". The young man grinned. " I have every kind of juice you can imagine".
Clete threw up his hands. " I'll have grapefruit then".
Jesus smiled. " One grapefruit coming up".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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