Sunday, May 29, 2016

I Knew Eva Braun page 3

I Knew Eva Braun page 3 by ric Gustafson

On February 6 1912, Eva Braun was born in Munich Germany. Eva's mother Fanny and father Fritz were hoping for a boy. They already had a three year old girl so they were hoping for a boy. If it were a boy, they were going to name him Rudolf. The baby weighed 12 pounds and they named her Eva Anna Paula Braun.
Eva's parents married in July of 1908. Eva's father was twenty nine and her mother was twenty three. Eva's mother Franziska came from a Roman Catholic family. Eva was baptized into the Roman Catholic faith.
Eva's parents had grown up in a pre World War I Germany. There was a class ridden social structure dominated by nobility, the military and the clergy. In 1912, Germany was ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Eva's father Fritz came from Schwabia, a province northwest of Bavaria. He was frugal with a sense of civic duty. Fritz's parents were in the furniture business in Stuttgart. Fritz became a school teacher in Wurttemberg. He met and courted Fanny Kronburger. They had three daughters. IIse was born in 1909. Eva was born in 1912 and Gretl in 1915. Eva being the middle child was very stubborn and obstinant. Eva's mother Fanny was happy, funny and easy going. Fritz kept his distance but played an active role in the lives of his daughters.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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