Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Prayer 101 page 1

Prayer 101 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mr McCoy wrote on the whiteboard as the students walked in and took their seats.
At 6:00, he looked up. " Ok students, let's begin". He wrote on the board. " This class is Prayer 101". He glanced around the room. " I'm glad that some of you were in my New Believer 101 class".
He walked over and began to hand out packets of paper. " Here is your class syllabus". He walked over and wrote a bible verse on the board. " Tonight's bible verse for our first class is Psalm 65:2". He took a small black bible out of his desk. " Who would like to read it?".
A female raised her hand.
" And what is your name?".
" Emily Stevens".
He handed her the bible. " Can you read this bible verse for the class?".
She opened the bible to the book of Psalms. " O you who hear prayer to you all men come".
" Class, I would like you to memorize that verse for next time".
At 8:00, he smiled. " See you Thursday".

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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