Sunday, May 1, 2016

the Kommandant page 4

the Kommandant page 4 by ric Gustafson

When I arrived at Dachau, I immediately became a drill instructor. I performed my duties to everyone's satisfaction. I did not let the prisoners get away with anything. I viewed work accidents and took note of suicides and those who ran into the electrified fence.
At this camp, guilt started. I was accused of being too nice to the prisoners. As an old time member of the Nazi Party, I believed in the need for these camps. Enemies of the state had to be put away somewhere. I did not want people calling me weak.
On August 1 1938, I transferred to Sachsenhausen. I became an adjutant at this new camp. As an SS officer, every order was sacred. I was put in charge of the execution squad. I dealt with saboteurs and those who refused to serve in the army. I had to deal with Jehovah Witnesses.
Soon I was told about a new quarantine camp called Auschwitz.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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