Friday, May 13, 2016

Meet the Apostles: Jesus and children

Meet the Apostles: Jesus and children by ric Gustafson

Everybody wanted to be around Jesus. Everybody wanted to talk to him and be healed by him. The Apostles took it upon themselves to manage Jesus's time and schedule. They tried to protect Jesus at all times.
One time in Judea, some parents brought their children to Jesus so could bless them. The Apostles turned them away. On top of that, the Apostles scolded the parents for bothering Jesus.
This bothered Jesus. He told them to let the children come to him. He said that the Kingdom of God to these children. Then he blessed them.
We need to help men, women and children come to Jesus. He loves them all.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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