Friday, May 27, 2016

Meet the Apostles: Doubting Thomas

Meet the Apostles: Doubting Thomas by ric Gustafson

One of the Apostles named Thomas had missed Jesus's first visit to the others. According to John 20: 25, he said that he would not believe it until he could see the nail wounds and put his hand into his side.
Eight days later, Jesus appeared in their midst again. This time Thomas was there. Jesus said peace be with you. Then he instructed Thomas to put his fingers into his nail wounds. Then he told Thomas to put his hand into his side. He told Thomas to not be faithless but to believe.
Jesus was not angry or disgusted with Thomas. Thomas exclaimed " My Lord and my God".
We believe in Jesus's wounds by way of God's Word.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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