Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Christian Talent: the Arranger

Christian Talent: the Arranger by ric Gustafson

God likes it when we are like a conductor. Even when things get difficult, we arrange things in the best way possible. There is nothing special about what we are doing. In God's eyes, that is not true. God likes it when we are flexible when the unexpected happens.
God smiles when confusion comes, we devise new options to find a better way or solution.

research help: ' Living Your Strengths' by Gallup Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Eva Braun page 4

I knew Eva Braun page 4 by ric Gustafson

As a child, Eva could remember children's songs like lullabies, nursery rhymes and playground jingles. Eva could remember songs by Goethe, Heine or Schiller. Eva's parents read Grimm's Fairy Tales to her. These stories were of dark forests and caves. Hansel and Gretel and the Marchen were read to her. In her teens, Eva was addicted to Wild West stories by German author Karl May.
After the Great War, Eva's father came back as a lieutenant in the Bavarian army. The war was grim. Two and a half million men had died and four million wounded. In November 1918, Germany was declared a Republic. Fritz Braun struggled to provide for his family. Fritz returned to being a teacher.
Being the middle girl in the family, Eva was a show off and a performer. She was popular in school and was much loved. Christmas time was very important to the Braun family. The German Fair was held every year in the main square. A huge pine tree stood in the middle and was heavily decorated. Eva could smell onions, sausages and fat ginger biscuits. The highlight was St Nikolaus in his cape.
Two major events happened after the war. There was a major flu epidemic and there was a major financial collapse which affected the Brauns.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 30, 2016

Christian Talent: the Activator

Christian Talent: the Activator by ric Gustafson

There is one question that God wants us to say all the time. " When can we start?". God wants us to be impatient to serve him. With action, things happen. Action leads to performance.
When we make a decision, we take action. Then we look at the result and then learn. James 1: 22-24 says to be doers of the Word and not merely hearers.
I pray Lord that I can say with confidence " when can we start?".

research help: ' Living Your Strengths' by Gallup Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Christian Talent: the Achiever

Christian Talent: the Achiever by ric Gustafson

God wants us to have a drive in life. God wants us to have a need for achievement. God wants us to feel good about ourselves. God wants us to have a fire burning inside us for him. God wants us to do more and achieve more for him.
God wants us to have new tasks and new challenges. James 2: 14-17 says that faith by itself if it has no works is dead.

research help: ' Living your Strengths' by Gallup Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Knew Eva Braun page 3

I Knew Eva Braun page 3 by ric Gustafson

On February 6 1912, Eva Braun was born in Munich Germany. Eva's mother Fanny and father Fritz were hoping for a boy. They already had a three year old girl so they were hoping for a boy. If it were a boy, they were going to name him Rudolf. The baby weighed 12 pounds and they named her Eva Anna Paula Braun.
Eva's parents married in July of 1908. Eva's father was twenty nine and her mother was twenty three. Eva's mother Franziska came from a Roman Catholic family. Eva was baptized into the Roman Catholic faith.
Eva's parents had grown up in a pre World War I Germany. There was a class ridden social structure dominated by nobility, the military and the clergy. In 1912, Germany was ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Eva's father Fritz came from Schwabia, a province northwest of Bavaria. He was frugal with a sense of civic duty. Fritz's parents were in the furniture business in Stuttgart. Fritz became a school teacher in Wurttemberg. He met and courted Fanny Kronburger. They had three daughters. IIse was born in 1909. Eva was born in 1912 and Gretl in 1915. Eva being the middle child was very stubborn and obstinant. Eva's mother Fanny was happy, funny and easy going. Fritz kept his distance but played an active role in the lives of his daughters.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Meet the Apostles: looking into the clouds

Meet the Apostles: looking into the clouds by ric Gustafson

One day, Jesus met with his Apostles for one last time. According to Acts 1: 9-11, Jesus was taken up before their eyes into a cloud. The Apostles looked intently into the sky. All of a sudden, two men dressed in white stood next to them. " Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky?".
They continued. " This same Jesus will come back in the same way you saw him go".
These men in white were probably angels. People all the time say that we are in the end times.
According to God's timeline, Jesus will return.
Praise God for that.

The End.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: breakfast on the beach

Meet the Apostles: breakfast on the beach by ric Gustafson

According to John 21, Peter and six other Apostles were in a fishing boat offshore. They noticed someone walking along the beach. They spotted Jesus. Peter jumped off and swam to the shore. He noticed that Jesus was cooking breakfast. After breakfast, Jesus asked his friend a question. " Simon son of John do you love me more than these?. He replied. " Yes Lord, you know I love you".
Jesus replied. " Then feed my lambs".
" Simon son of John, do you love me?".
Peter replied. " Yes Lord, you know I love you".
" Then take care of my sheep". Jesus asked him a third time. " Simon son of John, do you love me?".
Peter replied a third time. " Lord, you know that I love you".
Jesus smiled. " Then feed my sheep".
Peter was restored and brought back to ministry.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 27, 2016

Meet the Apostles: Doubting Thomas

Meet the Apostles: Doubting Thomas by ric Gustafson

One of the Apostles named Thomas had missed Jesus's first visit to the others. According to John 20: 25, he said that he would not believe it until he could see the nail wounds and put his hand into his side.
Eight days later, Jesus appeared in their midst again. This time Thomas was there. Jesus said peace be with you. Then he instructed Thomas to put his fingers into his nail wounds. Then he told Thomas to put his hand into his side. He told Thomas to not be faithless but to believe.
Jesus was not angry or disgusted with Thomas. Thomas exclaimed " My Lord and my God".
We believe in Jesus's wounds by way of God's Word.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Eva Braun page 2

I knew Eva Braun page 2 by ric Gustafson

It was an October evening in 1929 and Eva Braun was busy working in Hoffmann's photo studio. It was closing time. Just then, a gentleman entered the shop. Hoffmann and the stranger began to converse as if they were old friends. Eva had climbed a ladder to reach some files. She noticed the stranger was wearing an overcoat and had a big felt hat in his hand. She could sense that the stranger was admiring her legs. She came down from the ladder. Hoffmann introduced his friend as ' Herr Wolf'.
Hoffmann asked Eva to develop, print and enlarge thousands of pictures of Herr Wolf. Heinrich Hoffmann joined the Nazi Party in 1920 and was four years older than Adolf Hitler. He met Hitler in 1919 and started a relationship. Hitler frequently visited Hoffmann's family including his wife Lelly and their children Henriette and Heinrich. His wife died in 1928 but stayed loyal to Hitler.
In 1929 when Hitler met Eva Braun, he was already well known in Munich and working hard for the party. Eva was not interested in politics. She noticed that Hitler was attractive with a gaze that was mesmerizing.
For a seventeen year old girl from Munich, Adolf Hitler radiated magnetism.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Breaking Point: An Interminable Legacy

Breaking Point: An Interminable Legacy by ric Gustafson

Because we are a child of God, we will leave a legacy. This is true regardless of location, economic status or health. A legacy is a matter of foot prints. To leave a legacy according to Philippians 3:14, we must press toward the goal.
So how do we do that?. First, we must establish a personal relationship with God. Second, we must have a heart formed by God. We need to live each day with a Christ like heart. Third, we need to cut out clutter from our lives. We need to have priorities and make God's Word number one. Fourth, we need to press on toward the goal no matter what happens in our lives. We need to make heavenly investments such as tithing.
God wants us to leave an unbreakable legacy for him in this broken world.
With God's help, I will do that.

The End.

research help: Turning Points June 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I knew Eva Braun page 1

I knew Eva Braun page 1 by ric Gustafson

I knew Eva Braun.

Schellingstrasse runs east and west through the heart of Munich. There is an area called the Pinakothek. This area has art galleries and book shops. This area catered mostly to nearby university students. A camera shop in this area was called Photo Hoffmann. Hoffmann had hired a seventeen year old girl named Eva Braun. In October of 1929, an important visitor came into the shop.
Heinrich Hoffmann recognized Adolf Hitler's potential as a political leader. In 1922, he became Hitler's official photographer. Over two decades, he took two and a half million photographs of Hitler.
Eva Braun was given her first camera at the age of thirteen. She took pictures of herself and her family. Hoffmann's shop was only two train stops from her parents flat. She started as a junior assistant in the studio and darkroom. She served behind the counter and typed invoices.
An important visitor came to the shop in October of 1929.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Breaking Point: An Intangible Future

Breaking Point: An Intangible Future by ric Gustafson

As human beings, we try to hold on to something. Yet we live in an intangible world. Sometimes we feel as if this world is slipping through our fingers. This planet is seeped with the darkness of sin. God made this world beautiful and yet it is decaying from within.
We live in an intangible world. But God's Word is tangible. By reading God's Word, we can be encouraged and create more faith.
Then we can focus on what is now, what is next and what is new.

research help: Turning Points June 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: running to an empty tomb

Meet the Apostles: running to an empty tomb by ric Gustafson

According to John 20, Mary Magdalene was the first to discover that the stone in front of Jesus's tomb was rolled away. She ran back to tell Peter and John. She told them that they had taken the Lord's body and she did not know where they had taken him.
Peter and John ran to the tomb. John got there first, stopped and then peered inside. Peter entered the burial chamber. John followed. They saw Jesus's burial wrappings and no body.
The Apostles began to realize the significance of Luke 9:22. The Son of Man will be killed but on the third day will be raised from the dead.
Believers in Jesus like myself know the truth of Jesus's resurrection. Without the resurrection, there would be no hope for salvation.

research help: ' The Twelve Disciples' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Meet the Apostles: a rooster crowed

Meet the Apostles: a rooster crowed by ric Gustafson

According to Matthew 26:33, Peter told Jesus that he would never desert him. Yet it happened the night he was arrested. The first was Matthew 26:69. The second was Matthew 26: 71-72. The third was Matthew 26: 73-74. After this, the rooster crowed.
Peter fled the courtyard and wept bitterly. Are we capable of doing this to Jesus?. Are we capable of denying Jesus whom we love?. It is a question worth pondering.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Breaking Point: Intimidating Times

Breaking Point: Intimidating Times by ric Gustafson

Someone can be spiritually intimidated. Satan can influence people and events. Satan's goal is to cause us to doubt God. If he succeeds, that is spiritual intimidation. There are always reasons to be intimidated including our safety, our future and our families.
God wants us to turn intimidation into inspiration. So how do we do this?. First, we need to renew our minds. This is the principle of Romans 12:2. Second, we need to reject fear. God does not want us to be timid people. Third, we need to retreat into God. Psalm 91 can help. Fourth, we need to replace sight with faith.

research help: Turning Points June 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 2

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesus put the glass of juice in front of Clete.
He took a sip. " You know what happened earlier today?".
Jesus began to wrap silverware and napkins. " What happened?".
" I had never driven in Milwaukee traffic before". He laughed. " I cut someone off in traffic on purpose". He took another sip of his juice. " I sure made that woman mad".
Jesus took a piece of paper from the counter  and began to write it.
Clete frowned. " What are you doing?".
" Just adding to your spiritual tab".
Just then, Clete noticed someone standing at a nearby corner. " Do you know what I do when I see someone standing at a corner holding a sign asking for help?".
Jesus started wiping down tables with a rag and cleaner. " What do you do?".
Clete took another sip of his juice. " I laugh and shake my head as I drive past them".
Jesus walked over and wrote something on the piece of paper.
" Now what are you doing?".
" Just adding to your spiritual tab".
Clete shook his head. He glanced at his watch. " I need to get to the game". He reached into a pant pocket and put some bills on the counter. " Thanks for the juice". He walked out.
Jesus put his spiritual tab on a bulletin board. " You're welcome".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 23, 2016

Meet the Apostles: a scattering of disciples

Meet the Apostles: a scattering of disciples by ric Gustafson

That night after the Last Supper was unlike any night they had seen. Jesus did not confront his accusers. He surrendered to them peacefully. Jesus refused to defend himself. Baffled by this, according to Matthew 26: 56, the disciples fled for their lives.
Jesus knew that his suffering was part of God's plan. Because of fear, sometimes we act in haste. We want to avoid suffering. Jesus had to go through what he went through to save us for eternity.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Breaking Point: Impossible Days

Breaking Point: Impossible Days by ric Gustafson

Our day is full of work, family, financial obligations. Most of the time we do all right but then that moment happens. We feel frazzled, irritable and overwhelmed. We have too much to do and not enough time to do it.
In Acts 10, we see the story of Cornelius who was a Roman centurion. He became a believer because of Peter. He became a believer and had Christ as his anchor. We need to simplify our life like Jesus. Jesus did good and not do everything. Jesus does not expect us to do everything. We need to establish boundaries. God can bring order from disorder and encouragement from despair.
Jesus, always take charge of my life. I love you.

research help: Turning Points June 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Meet the Apostles: Matthias

Meet the Apostles: Matthias by ric Gustafson

After the death of Judas Iscariot, the Apostles had to select someone to replace him. There were strict guidelines for the selection process. The candidate had to be a Jesus follower from the early days of Jesus's ministry. The Apostles wanted someone who had been with Jesus day in and day out. They wanted someone who had been a witness as far as Jesus's resurrection and ascension. Only two men fit the requirements. A man named Justus and a man named Matthias. Matthias was chosen.
We never know when we will be chosen for an important spiritual task.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 1

Milwaukee Stories: put it on my tab page 1 by ric Gustafson

Clete Averill stopped in front of the neon sign. His right foot was very sore. The sign read ' 60th Street Juice Bar'. He smiled. " Hopefully I can get something to drink before the Brewers Cubs game". He walked through the open doorway. He glanced around to see that the place was completely empty of patrons. He noticed a young bearded man with a large white apron on. He was toweling dry some juice glasses.
" Welcome". The young man walked behind the counter. " What can I do for you?".
Clete smacked his dry lips. " Do you have a beer or something cold?".
" Sorry". He picked up the remote and changed the TV station to the ION Network. " Just juices".
He looked perplexed. " Juices?".
" Yep". The young man grinned. " I have every kind of juice you can imagine".
Clete threw up his hands. " I'll have grapefruit then".
Jesus smiled. " One grapefruit coming up".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Meet the Apostles: the kiss of death

Meet the Apostles: the kiss of death by ric Gustafson

According to Matthew 26:21, Jesus gave the Apostles a bombshell. He told them that one of them would betray him. The idea that one of them would do that was almost too hard to comprehend. All of them in turn asked the question ' is it I?".
They were so distraught that they did not notice Judas Iscariot leaving.
So who is Judas Iscariot?. The origin of his name has been a subject of debate among bible scholars. As to why Judas was allowed to join Jesus's group is unknown. Why did he do it?. The Bible states that Satan entered into him. Did Jesus know he was going to do this?. God's Word clearly states that Jesus knew Judas's heart and knew his attentions right away.
What happened to Judas?. He felt shame and regret later. He tried to return the money. When he felt that he had no other option,he went out and hanged himself.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 36

the Great Oz page 36 by ric Gustafson

" Good people of Oz" Oscar said as he unwrapped a parchment. " As your Wizard, I decree the land of Oz to be free". He smiled. " This hologram will be the way that you can speak to me in the future". He held up a satchel. " And now a few gifts".
Glinda smiled. " What gifts Oscar?".
He held up a finger. " I am not Oscar Diggs any longer". He smiled. " Now I am the Wizard of Oz".
The Wizard turned to Finley. " My gift to you is priceless". He shook the flying monkey's hand. " My friendship".
Then he turned to China Girl. " My gift to you is priceless also". He opened his arms. " A family".
She jumped into his arms and gave him a big hug.
Everyone looked at the Wizard.
" And now Glinda".
The Good Witch frowned. " I have a feeling there is nothing in that satchel for me".
The Wizard smiled as he put the satchel on the ground. " I've saved the best for last".
He grinned, reached over and kissed Glinda.
China Girl, Finley and the crowd cheered.

The End

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 35

The Great Oz page 35 by ric Gustafson

Evanora ran into the Throne Room. She stopped when she noticed Glinda sitting on the Throne. She was clutching her wand.
" You and I aren't finished yet".
" Glinda, what else do you want?".
The Good Witch smiled. " I'll settle for the freedom of the people".
Evanora grinned. She raised a hand. An electricity bolt slammed into Glinda. Her body flew into a nearby wall. She gave her hurt sister an evil smile.
Just then, Glinda raised her own hand. Evanora's amulet shattered. She immediately changed into an old yellow skinned hag.
She screamed at Glinda. " What's happened to me?".
Glinda grinned. " In the name of my father". Her voice hesitated. " I banish you from the Emerald City forever".
Just then, two flying baboons flew down. They picked up the old woman and then flew out one of the palace's windows.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

the Great Oz page 34

the Great Oz page 34 by ric Gustafson

Theodora raised her hand and threw a fireball at the hologram. It was a direct hit. The hologram went silent.
Evanora smiled. " Well done sister".
Just then, there was a boom. More smoke and fire filled the sky.
" I am the Great Oz". Just then, Oscar's head began to hover above the crowd.
The crowd cheered.
Then, hundreds of fireworks began to go off across the sky.
Evanora screamed in terror. " He is the Wizard". She ran into the Palace.
Theodora cackled. " Come back here coward".
Just then, fireworks erupted around her.
She cackled in fear. Then she flew away in a fireball.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: Simon Peter

Meet the Apostles: Simon Peter by ric Gustafson

Simon Peter was a complex man. He was courageous and loyal. Yet he also had lapses of judgment. He was one of Jesus's inner circle. In the New Testament, Peter is mentioned more than the other eleven Apostles combined. He spoke up when questions and ideas came to him. This also got him into trouble. Other then Judas Iscariot, no other Apostle reached despair and self loathing more than Simon Peter.
In the end, Simon Peter was a driving force in the establishment of the Christian church.
God is looking for passion not perfection.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 33

the Great Oz page 33 by ric Gustafson

A weak and beaten Glinda was propped up between Evanora and Theodora.
Evanora shouted. " Your hope for a Wizard is dead".
A huge fireball formed in Theodora's hand. " And now my dear sister". She raised her hand. " You will die".
Just then, all the lights in the city went dark.
" Fear me not good people of Oz". Out of the smoke appeared a huge hologram. Inside was a giant head of Oscar.
" It is I , the Great Oz". Oscar's voice boomed through the flames and smoke.
Evanora cried out. " More tricks".
Theodora screamed. " How dare you defy us?".
" Dare" said the hologram. " How dare you defy the Great Oz?".
Winkie Guards through pikes at the hologram. Nothing happened.
" You think you can kill me". The hologram laughed. " I am now more powerful than ever".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

the Kommandant page 10

the Kommandant page 10 by ric Gustafson

I will try to explain the extermination process. Jews selected for gassing were led to one of the Bunkers. They were led into the undressing chamber. There the Sonderkommandos told the people that they were going to be bathed and deloused. They were told to undress and leave their clothes neatly together. Then the Jews were led into the gas chamber which contained showers and water pipes.
The women and children were led in first followed by the men. Then the door was screwed shut. Then gas crystals were poured through vents in the ceiling. The gas went through an airshaft so it could be distributed. Those near the airshaft were killed instantly. One third died instantly. The rest screamed and struggled for air. All were dead within 20 minutes.
One half hour later, the door was opened and the ventilation system was turned on. At this time, the Sonderkommandos removed gold teeth and cut the hair from the female victims.
Then the bodies were taken by elevator to the ovens. Up to three could be burned at the same time. The ashes fell through grates and then were crushed into powder. The ashes were taken to the Vistula River.

My name is Rudolf Hoess and I am writing this as I sit in a Polish prison cell. I was asked to write this from advice from a Polish psychologist and the prosecuting attorney. I was not a cruel man and I treated the slave workers fairly. I believe that National Socialism is right for Germany and me.
Rudolf Hoess was hanged in Poland for war crimes in 1947.

The End.

research help: ' The Commmandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: sleeping on the job

Meet the Apostles: sleeping on the job by ric Gustafson

According to Matthew 26: 38, Jesus asked the Apostles to stay and keep watch with him. It was a simple request from Jesus himself. He went away to pray. When he returned, his three closest friends were sound asleep. In verse 40, he asks Peter why he couldn't stay awake. He leaves to go pray again. He comes back to find his friends asleep again.
Jesus goes to pray a third time. He comes back to find them asleep again. He wakes them up to inform them that Judas and the soldiers had come.
I pray that I can always help others and not sleep on the job.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 16, 2016

the Kommandant page 9

the Kommandant page 9 by ric Gustafson

The order came from Berlin that ablebodied men and women could be separated and put to work. SS doctors on the ramp would make that decision. Only strong and healthy Jews could be selected. After depositing their baggage, everyone was pass in front of an SS doctor. Only 25 to 30 percent were kept for slave labor. Bunker 4 and 5 were capable of burning 1500 bodies in 24 hours. Both ovens broke down often. Bunker 2 and 3 were built during the winter of 1942-1943. Each had five ovens and could cremate about two thousand bodies in less than 24 hours.
I came up with an extermination plan that was working.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: God's Plan

Meet the Apostles: God's Plan by ric Gustafson

The Apostles were rattled when Jesus informed them that he would die. According to Matthew 19:27, Peter told Jesus that they had given up everything to follow him. They thought that the end of his life would be the end of his Kingdom. They probably wondered what would happen to them if Jesus died.
According to Matthew 16: 22, Peter took Jesus aside and said this will never happen to you. The following verse is Jesus's reply. " Get away from me Satan".
We need to always trust that God knows what's best for us.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 15, 2016

I Am: I Am Prosperous

I Am: I Am Prosperous by ric Gustafson

God wants to bless us so we can be a blessing to others. God will supply our needs according to his riches. God has a place of abundance for us. Everything I have comes from God. God wants us to think a thousand times more than we are according to Deuteronomy 1:11.
When we thank God for what we have, increase will come our way.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: to be a Christ follower

Meet the Apostles: to be a Christ follower by ric Gustafson

According to Matthew 20: 20-21, The mother of James and John had a request. She asked Jesus if her two sons could sit in places of honor next to him. One would be on his left and one on his right. According to Matthew 20:24, the other Apostles were not happy with them.
Jesus began to explain the main principle of Christian service. He explained that to be a leader you must be a servant. He explained that whoever wants to be first must become your slave. Jesus told them that he came not to be served but to serve.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 13, 2016

Meet the Apostles: Jesus and children

Meet the Apostles: Jesus and children by ric Gustafson

Everybody wanted to be around Jesus. Everybody wanted to talk to him and be healed by him. The Apostles took it upon themselves to manage Jesus's time and schedule. They tried to protect Jesus at all times.
One time in Judea, some parents brought their children to Jesus so could bless them. The Apostles turned them away. On top of that, the Apostles scolded the parents for bothering Jesus.
This bothered Jesus. He told them to let the children come to him. He said that the Kingdom of God to these children. Then he blessed them.
We need to help men, women and children come to Jesus. He loves them all.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kommandant page 8

the Kommandant page 8 by ric Gustafson

By January of 1942, I was dealing directly with the destruction of the Jews. At first, I had to deal with the Jews of Upper Silesia. A detachment of my soldiers took charge of them at the unloading ramp. Then the officer in charge took them to Bunker 1. They were then told to undress in the Bunker for delousing. Then they were herded into large rooms. The airtight doors were then screwed tight. Then gas crystal canisters were emptied through special hatches in the roof. One half hour later, the door was opened and the bodies pulled out. Then they were moved by small carts to the ditches. This work was done by special prisoners called Sonderkommandos. These prisoners were kept apart from the other prisoners. Eventually, these prisoners were exterminated also.
Himmler wanted gold teeth pulled from the victim's mouths. Hair was to be cut from the dead women prisoners. In the summer of 1942, Himmler came to visit the camp. He was not pleased with using ditches for the bodies. An order came to me to open the ditches and cremate all the bodies. This order was carried out by the Camp Commander Captain Hans Aumeier and Master Sergeant Gerhard Palitzsch.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: Jesus the storyteller

Meet the Apostles: Jesus the storyteller by ric Gustafson

It took time for the Apostles to fully comprehend Jesus's ministry. Some of those who listened to Jesus's stories were looking for a short fix from life's miseries. But Jesus wanted his followers to fully grasp what he was getting at.
Jesus used parables to communicate his message. He used stories, metaphors and analogies which were not immediately clear. His followers, when baffled at what he was conveying to them, asked him to explain it to them clearly. When they did this, he explained the mystery of the parable to them.
Over time, Jesus's stories began to make sense to those who truly wanted to know why.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 12, 2016

the Kommandant page 7

the Kommandant page 7 by ric Gustafson

After being in Berlin, I returned to the Camp. Shortly after that, Eichmann came to visit. He told me about plans for police roundups. He told me roughly the numbers of those who would be transported to the Camp. He told me how the annihilation would come about. We decided that gas was the only suitable way to exterminate the numbers given to me.
We looked around the Camp for a suitable location for these plans of Eichmann. We decided to use a farmhouse in the Northwest corner to be suited. It was hidden from view and near the rail line. We decided to bury the bodies in long deep pits in a nearby meadow. The farmhouse was renamed Bunker 1. In the fall of 1941, a gas called Cyclon B was used on some Russian prisoners in Block 11. This gas was supplied by Tesch and Stabenow and was normally used for insect and rodent control. It was very successful. Instead of Block 11, extermination was done in Bunker 1 after that to be more efficient.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: recognizing the Messiah

Meet the Apostles: recognizing the Messiah by ric Gustafson

The people had been waiting for a Messiah. They wanted someone who would get them out from the thumb of the Roman Empire. They were also looking for a military leader would rescue their country from Roman oppression.
Then came Jesus. he defied popular expectation. He was not what the people expected. As a result, many people rejected him.
The Apostles recognized Jesus as their long awaited Savior. They did not turn against Jesus. Jesus told the Apostles and us, I am the promised Messiah.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: I Am Victorius

I Am: I Am Victorious by ric Gustafson

God has put all things under our feet. Every challenge that comes our way, we need to see them as being under our feet. God uses every weakness, sickness, enemy and obstacle as a stepping stone to take us to a new level. Our struggles are the enemy, God has all the power. We need to turn our stumbling blocks into stepping stones. According to Psalm 110, God will make our enemies our footstool. According to Psalm 23, God is preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies.
God wants our struggles to be a stepping stone not a stumbling block.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Am: I Am Secure

I Am: I Am Secure by ric Gustafson

As Christians here on this earth, we are running a race. God has given us exactly what we need for that race. There will be people who can outrun and outperform us. God wants us to be comfortable with who God made us out to be.
We need to accept the gifts that God has given us. God does not want us to pursue titles and positions. So what is our gift?. God does not want us to be distracted by others.
Our race is run by one person, you. God does not want us to get distracted by others. God wants us to use the gifts he has given to us. We are to run our own race.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I Am: I Am Content

I Am: I Am Content by ric Gustafson

God wants us to have dreams and goals. And until that comes, God wants us to be content in the season that we are. When we are discontent, we dishonor God. When we are content, we trust God's timing. We must learn to be content in every season. We need to be content when God blesses us with a lot or not much. We need to enjoy the season that we are in. When we are content, each day is a gift. One truth about this earthly life is that it is never problem free.
We need to be content in every season and be grateful.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 8, 2016

the Great Oz page 32

the Great Oz page 32 by ric Gustafson

Evanora sneered at the crowd of citizens. " Citizens of Emerald City". She pointed at her sister. " This is what happens when you defy me".
Glinda was chained to a post. She was flanked by two Winkie Guards.
Evanora stared at her sister. " So sister, what should we do now?".
" Save yourself and Theodora while you can".
Anger began to cover Evanora's face. " I'm going to do something quite different". She raised her hands. Electricity came out of her fingertips. Glinda became engulfed with electricity bolts. She cried out in pain.
" So where is your Wizard now?". She cackled in glee. " It seems that he has vanished".
All of a sudden, someone pointed up to the sky. " Look up there". There were more cries from the crowd. " It's the Wizard".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 6, 2016

I Am: I Am a Masterpiece

I Am: I Am a Masterpiece  by ric Gustafson

God created us in his image. God designed us to be exactly as he wanted. Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God's masterpiece. There will never be another you. You and I are God's most prized possession. God wants us to be proud of what he made us to be. In God's eyes, we are royalty. God wants us to believe that we are excellent.
In God's eyes, we are a masterpiece a one of a kind.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kommandant page 6

the Kommandant page 6 by ric Gustafson

Since my time at Dachau, there has always been Jews in concentration camps. Some of them were lucky enough to get the necessary visa together and be freed within a few weeks. Those who violated the racial laws had to stay. I became acquainted with the Jews because of Kristallnacht in 1938. I personally never hated the Jews. They were however enemies of the state.
Auschwitz under my command became the largest human killing center in history. I obeyed every order from Hitler or Himmler. In the summer of 1941, I was called to report to Himmler in Berlin. I was given the order for the final solution to the Jewish question. We the SS were to carry out this order. My camp was selected because of it's transport facilities and because the area was isolated.
We were told that the Jews were the eternal enemies of the German people. And because of that, they had to be exterminated. If we do not succeed, the Jews will destroy the German people.
After returning to the camp, I was visited by Major Adolf Eichmann of the Reich Security Headquarters.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 5, 2016

the Great Oz page 31

the Great Oz page 31 by ric Gustafson

The baboons flew into the Poppy Fields. They began to attack the figures in the fog.
Just then, horror came over Evanora's face. " It's a trick". She raised a fist. " Retreat".
Then the baboons realized that they were attacking scarecrows. Poppy dust from Glinda's wand descended on them. They breathed the dust and then fell asleep.
Glinda stood at the edge of the Enchanted Forest.
Just then, Evanora appeared next to her. " Going somewhere sister".
Glinda raised her wand to defend herself.
Evanora zapped her hand with a bolt of electricity.
She dropped the wand.
Two baboons swooped down and picked her up by her arms.
Evanora cackled. She began to look around for Glinda's wand. She could not find it. She disappeared in a fireball.
China Girl peeked out from behind a tree. She was holding Glinda's wand.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kommandant page 5

the Kommandant page 5 by ric Gustafson

I became the Kommandant of this new quarantine camp which was located in the backwoods of Poland. This assignment was not easy. In the shortest amount of time, I had to create a transition camp for thousands of prisoners. I had to start with fifty buildings that were filthy and full of lice, fleas and other bugs. Himmler's orders was that this camp was to become a prisoner defense center. Everything fell on my shoulders.
Until the beginning of 1942, the majority of the prisoners were Polish. The second largest group of prisoners were Russian POW's. They were here to build the camp at Birkenau. These prisoners were in bad shape when they arrived here. They had trouble standing up and could not accomplish much. By the summer of 1942, out of ten thousand Russian prisoners only a few hundred survived.
The third largest group were the Gypsies. They were considered asocials. By August of 1944, there were only four thousand of these prisoners left. One day, the rest went to the gas chambers.
By the fall of 1942, the majority of the prisoners were Jews.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: I Am Free

I Am: I Am Free by ric Gustafson

When we struggle in one area for a long time, we sometimes think that our situation will never change. When we think in the negative, we have already lost the battle. God is limited by our thinking. The negative events in our lives is only temporary. God is planning a seventh year for our lives. In this seventh year, we will break free from limitations holding us back. These limitations could include sickness, addiction and debt.
In order to receive this seventh year, we need to be ready. God can turn any situation around for our good. We will receive this seventh year when we believe it. We need to tell God that we know that our bad situation is not permanent. We need to tell God that we know that our seventh year is coming. We need to tell God that we love him and thank him for everything that he has given us.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I Am: I Am Blessed

I Am: I Am Blessed by ric Gustafson

When we honor God with our life, we are given a commanded blessing. This blessing is like a magnet. This blessing attracts the right people, good breaks, ideas and influence our way. When we honor God, we become a magnet for God's goodness. Deuteronomy 28 says that when we walk in God's ways, blessings will chase us down.
We need to keep being our best and God will do his part. God's blessings will happen in our life at exactly the right time. We do not need to seek God's blessings, they will come our way. God wants us to dream big, believe big and pray big. We have seeds of greatness inside of us. Each day, we need to have the attitude that something good is going to happen to us.

research help: ' The Power of I Am' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 30

the Great Oz page 30 by ric Gustafson

Oscar stopped the wagon in a back alley.
At the same time, Glinda stood on the edge of the Poppy Fields. She raised her wand. Thick fog began to descend over the field.
From a distance, Evanora and Theodora watched the current developments unfold. They were not sure what their sister was going to do next. Soon, they could see figures coming through the fog.
All of a sudden, rows of soldiers were marching toward the Emerald City.
In anger, Theodora raised her arms.
Hundreds of flying baboons swooped overhead.
Theodora pointed toward the Poppy Fields. " Attack". She gave an evil grin. " Tear them apart".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Prayer 101 page 1

Prayer 101 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mr McCoy wrote on the whiteboard as the students walked in and took their seats.
At 6:00, he looked up. " Ok students, let's begin". He wrote on the board. " This class is Prayer 101". He glanced around the room. " I'm glad that some of you were in my New Believer 101 class".
He walked over and began to hand out packets of paper. " Here is your class syllabus". He walked over and wrote a bible verse on the board. " Tonight's bible verse for our first class is Psalm 65:2". He took a small black bible out of his desk. " Who would like to read it?".
A female raised her hand.
" And what is your name?".
" Emily Stevens".
He handed her the bible. " Can you read this bible verse for the class?".
She opened the bible to the book of Psalms. " O you who hear prayer to you all men come".
" Class, I would like you to memorize that verse for next time".
At 8:00, he smiled. " See you Thursday".

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 29

the Great Oz page 29 by ric Gustafson

A wagon pulled up to the Emerald City's back gate.
The Gate Keeper walked out of a Winkie shack. " Halt".
Oscar stopped the wagon. He was wearing a typical Winkie hat and coat. " Good day Winkie Gate Keeper". Oscar smiled. " We bring supplies for the battle".
The Gate Keeper checked a clipboard. " I was told of such delivery".
Oscar stood up and yelled. " Do you know who I am?".
" No".
" I am Knuck the City Herald".
" I'm sorry Sir". He lowered his head in shame. " I was just doing my job".
Oscar yelled again. " Open this gate".
The Gate Keeper walked over and unlatched the gate.
Oscar sat down, grinned and then slowly drove through the gate.
The gate closed.
Phase one of Oscar's plan worked.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 2, 2016

the Great Oz page 28

the Great Oz page 28 by ric Gustafson

Oscar walked into the Master Tinker's workshop. He wanted to see how the projection screen was coming along.
" Let me show you". He walked over to the strange contraption. He rotated the lens turret. " I've added an adjustable lens".
Oscar smiled. He put an arm around the old man. " Thank you". An idea came to him. " Tinker, I have one more request".
" What is that Wizard?".
Oscar grinned. " How much do you know about hot air balloons?".
The next morning, Oscar stood on the Yellow Brick Road outside of Glinda's castle. He turned toward an army of Quadlings, Munchkins and Tinkers.
" Great people of Oz". Oscar smiled. " Today, we fight to free this land from the Wicked Witches". He pointed toward his army. " We are few but mighty". He whistled and then pointed forward. " Onward".
Oscar divided the army into three groups. All three groups began to head down the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 1, 2016

the Kommandant page 4

the Kommandant page 4 by ric Gustafson

When I arrived at Dachau, I immediately became a drill instructor. I performed my duties to everyone's satisfaction. I did not let the prisoners get away with anything. I viewed work accidents and took note of suicides and those who ran into the electrified fence.
At this camp, guilt started. I was accused of being too nice to the prisoners. As an old time member of the Nazi Party, I believed in the need for these camps. Enemies of the state had to be put away somewhere. I did not want people calling me weak.
On August 1 1938, I transferred to Sachsenhausen. I became an adjutant at this new camp. As an SS officer, every order was sacred. I was put in charge of the execution squad. I dealt with saboteurs and those who refused to serve in the army. I had to deal with Jehovah Witnesses.
Soon I was told about a new quarantine camp called Auschwitz.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric