Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lusitania page 3

Lusitania page 3 by ric Gustafson

In September of 1907, the pride of the British commercial fleet was the Lusitania. The liner was 30,395 tons, four funneled and 785 feet wide. The liner was able to cross the Atlantic in twenty three knots. The huge liner could accommodate 540 first class, 460 second class and 1200 third class passengers. On board was a crew of 850. The Promenade Deck was a quarter of a mile long. The ship's galley prepared 10,000 meals a day.
First class suites and cabins were lavish. The First class dining room domed, double tiered and decorated in white. The First class smoking room was furnished in Italian walnut. There was a writing room and library.
Second class suites were spacious with washbasins and soft woolen hangings. Third class passengers were berthed toward the ship's bow. The cabins were well designed and less cramped than on other liners.
The huge liner was half the size of other liners but three quarters more powerful. The liner was the first ship to use high tensile steel in her hull. There were electric controls for closing her 175 watertight compartments. The liner had four giant steam turbine engines. Her turbine blades could produce 68,000 horsepower and the liner could get to a top speed of twenty five knots.

research help: ' Lusitania an epic tragedy' by Diana Preston

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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