Thursday, February 18, 2016

I was there: Barabbas

I was there: Barabbas by ric Gustafson

It was after sunrise and I was already awake. I had hatred in my heart because the Romans had killed my brother. He was the first born and because of that a seed of hatred began in my heart. The Romans say that I am an insurrectionist. I think of myself as a patriot. Instead of a patriot, some people call me a zealot.
Guards come and take two fellow prisoners to their fates. Later, the guards come and take me. One of the guards tell me that I am free. I was told that the Governor had given me a pardon. That someone was going to die in my place
After hearing this, I walk up the steep stairs and then outside into the morning light. I smile because the taste of freedom is here. I dance among the crowd because of my new found joy. I watch as my two prison mates are carrying crosses. A third man is struggling to carry his. I ask who this person is. I am told that his name is Jesus of Nazareth. I arrive at the execution site known as the Skull. As they begin the execution process, I run back toward town.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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