Monday, February 15, 2016

I was there: Judas Iscariot

I was there: Judas Iscariot by ric Gustafson

As the temple guards led Jesus away, I felt empty and unfulfilled. There was a time when I felt that Jesus could do anything. He could speak like no one I had ever heard. I felt that Jesus was naïve. He could of built on his personality and seized the moment. There were several times when people wanted to make him King. Instead he disappeared and went into hiding. He talked about a Kingdom but did nothing about it.
That night I made my decision. I followed him to the house of Annas and then the house of Caiaphas. I sit down at a far wall and watch the trial. They pronounced him guilty and led him away. At that time, I realized that I had betrayed the chosen One of God. I yell for them to let him go and throw my bag of coins at them. I realize then that it is too late. I run out the door crying.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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