Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I was there: Simon the Cyrene

I was there: Simon the Cyrene by ric Gustafson

I approached the city via the North South Samaria Jerusalem road. I walk toward the Gennath Gate. My two sons Alexander and Rufus are with me. As we go through the gate, I observe that people are everywhere. The noise from street vendors, children running and sheep bleating is constant.
I married a Greek girl from Cyrene which was a city on the Northern coast of Africa. I became part of my father in laws import business. This year, I decided to celebrate Passover with my sons in the Holy City.
As we approach the Via Dolorosa, a scene ahead makes us stop. My sons have already gone up front to see what is happening. Then, a hand falls on my shoulder and I am ordered into the street. A centurion orders me to shoulder a fallen man's cross. The fallen man tries to keep up in the rear but is struggling.
Slowly, I trudge up a steep hill leading to the Gennath Gate. Now the fallen man is in front stumbling and then almost collapsing. His head is bowed, his breath labored and his face is a suffering mask. Behind me I hear sobbing. It is coming from a small group of women.
The fallen man's one eye is swollen, his skin white and pasty. His beard is matted with dried blood. Spittle coats his lips. The last thing I remember is staring into his face and then being shoved away.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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