Thursday, February 25, 2016

I was there: Dismas

I was there: Dismas by ric Gustafson

I can hear the guards as they approach my cell. I know that it is the day of my execution and that they are coming for me. Now that the time has come, I am afraid. Is there life after death?. What if I have to account for the sins that I have done?. As I am taken away, I know that I soon will be a fading memory.
The soldiers escort me out of the dungeon and into the street. A centurion gives orders and a cross is placed upon my shoulders. As we walk, I notice two others with me. One is a compatriot. The other I know nothing about. All I know is that people call him a prophet and that he claims to be King of the Jews. The pace of our walking is slow because the third man was nearly beaten to death.
Finally, we reach the Place of the Skull. I notice that the vertical beams have already been erected. I am shoved onto the wood. I do not look as nails are impaled into me. Burning pain from my arms explode in my head. I groan as my other arm is nailed. I am hoisted up so my feet can be nailed.
For a long time, I drift in and out of consciousness. As I suffer, I am fascinated by the stranger dying in between us. At one point, I hear my compatriot yelling at the man in the middle. He yelled " You are the Christ, save yourself and us". I answer back. " Aren't you afraid of God?". I am. " Can't you consider that you are about to die". " We are both getting what we deserve". I stare at the man in the middle. " But this man has done nothing wrong".
The man was silent. I turn my face to him. Faith took a hold of me. " Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom".
He turned his head. " Today you will be with me in paradise".
When my eyes closed in death, I could hear angels singing with joy.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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