Wednesday, February 3, 2016

longings of the heart: Well Being

longings of the heart: Well Being by ric Gustafson

Everyone wishes to be well. We all want to be healthy, happy and whole. We want to enjoy life. We want to live a purposeful life. We want to have a healthy and positive life. We want to have positive relationships with others. We want a healthy life. Gluttony is the opposite of well being. For Christians, this is a sin. God takes the stewardship of our bodies very seriously. Gluttony not only affects the well being of the body but the whole person as well.
Temperance is the antidote to Gluttony. Temperance helps us to achieve balance in every aspect of our life.
We need Jesus to keep our lives in balance because he knows what's best for us.

The End

research help: ' Broken Gods' by Gregory Popcak

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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