Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I was there: Pontius Pilate

I was there: Pontius Pilate by ric Gustafson

From my balcony, I watch the crowd below. These last few months have been one crisis after another. I hate this place. I hate the heat, the dust and the noise. Most of all I despise these mad Jews and their religious fanaticism. Now this Caiaphas and his religious fanatics have come to me. Because it is Passover week, I have to speak to them from my balcony.
I demand to know what this prisoner has done. They told me that he was a criminal. I told them to take care of it themselves. They tell me that he is plotting a rebellion against Rome and that he does not pay taxes to Caesar. I tell my centurion Flavius to lead the prisoner inside so I could interrogate him. I ask him if he is the King of the Jews. He said that his kingdom is not of this world. Finally, I ask him what is truth?.
My wife warns me not to bother with this man. I ask the crowd if they want Barabbas or Jesus their King. They picked Barabbas. I say that he is innocent and they want to crucify him. Finally, I asked him where he came from?.
The last thing I do is wash my hands in a basin. I tell the crowd that I am innocent of this man's blood. I give Flavius the order to take this Jesus away and crucify him.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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