Saturday, February 13, 2016

I was there: Jesus

I was there: Jesus by ric Gustafson

I feel overwhelmed. My soul fears what is coming. Not the Roman cross but separation from my Father. I have never displeased him or felt the brunt of his anger. Soon I will be the object of his wrath.
That is how I felt when I entered Gethsemane with my disciples. I leave them to pray to my Father. I plead to him to take that cup from me. I go and find my friends sleeping. I cringe at the prospect of separation from my Father and suffering the penalty of sin. After praying to my Father two more times, I drink the cup of iniquity.
Just then, Judas comes with armed Temple guards. He gives me a kiss. I am arrested and for the next twelve hours are beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I suffer more than it is possible for a human being to suffer. I am only able to be sustained is by supernatural peace given me by my Father.
At the sixth hour, my Father deals with me. Now he regards me as the greatest sinner. He discharges on me the whole weight of his wrath. Then he tells me to depart from him. That is a punishment worse than death. He rejects me in order that I can pay the price to redeem mankind. Then I plead to my Father and ask why he has forsaken me. He does not answer me.
I can feel Satan waiting for me to die. I muster all the strength I have left. " Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit".
It is finished and the cup of sorrow is empty. The sin of debt has been paid and I have suffered the full penalty for the sins of all mankind.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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