Monday, February 29, 2016

The Great Oz page 14

the Great Oz page 14 by ric Gustafson

Oscar and Finley walked around a small hill. Oscar noticed smoke coming from the next hill.
Finley frowned. " That does not look good".
As they walked toward the smoke, the ground under their feet felt like glass. They walked into a village. Oscar noticed broken china everywhere. He picked up a large piece of porcelain. He recoiled when he noticed a face staring at him.
" Help me".
They ran into a shop and noticed a broken china doll on the floor. She had white china hair, a white and blue dress. She had very sad eyes.
" Help me Wizard".
Oscar frowned. " You know me".
The China Doll's eyes grew wide. " You are the Wizard aren't you?".
" Yes I am".
Oscar glued her arms and legs back on. " You can walk".
The China Girl smiled as she slowly walked around the room.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: love your enemies

Easter 2016 reflections: love your enemies by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Matthew 5: 43-48 by ric Gustafson

We can love friends and family. But what about our enemies?. In this bible reading, that is exactly what Jesus wants us to do. God loves all people. That includes people outside of our family and friends. God wants us to keep strong our Christian character no matter what is going on around us. God shows love to everyone. That is what he wants us to do. Jesus wants us to live the Gospel. Jesus wants us to be sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: five loaves and two fish

Easter 2016 reflections: five loaves and two fish by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Mark 6: 30-44. Just imagine what Jesus's disciples were thinking. In front of them were five thousand hungry people. And what was even worse was the meager amount of food they had to feed them all. All they had were five loaves of bread and two fish. This would not be enough to feed anybody.
They watched as Jesus took the bread and fish and praised God for it. Then he handed it out to them to give to the people. Jesus wants us to take stock of what we have and thank his Father for it. Then we can go out into the world and work for his Father. As we labor for Jesus, we need to ask for God's blessings. When we call on God, our resources will become unlimitless.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Great Oz page 13

The Great Oz page 13 by ric Gustafson

Evanora and Oscar were standing in the Room of Resplendence.
Oscar picked up a chalice. " What is all these riches?".
She smiled. " It is the Royal Treasure of Oz".
He picked up some gold coins. " As Wizard, these riches are for me".
" Yes". Her voice hesitated. " Once you fulfill the prophecy".
" And what is that?".
She grinned. " You must defeat and kill the Wicked Witch".
" And how do I do that?".
" You must go to the Dark Forest and destroy her wand".
Oscar whistled. " Her wand?".
" Yes, it is the source of all of her powers". She smiled. " Without it, she dies".
He pointed at the monkey. " I will take Finley with me".
" Are you up to it Wizard?".
" Yes".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: to be a disciple

Easter 2016 reflections: to be a disciple by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Ephesians 6: 18-20. Do people know that you are a Christian?. Do you have the courage to speak out about your faith?. For some Christians it is uncomfortable and difficult. The Apostle Paul asked the Christian Ephesians to pray for him so he could preach the gospel. Paul also prayed that the right words would come to him.
To be one of Jesus's disciples, we need to be bold in our faith. We need to pray for others. We also need to ask others to pray for us. When we pray for one another, God strengthens us and enables us to do for Jesus what he wants us to do.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 25, 2016

the pearly gates processing center

the pearly gates processing center by ric Gustafson

Dismas walked up to a huge wooden table. An angel in white was stamping papers. The angel smiled. " Have a seat".
" Thank you". Nervously, he sat down in a nearby empty chair. " I'm not sure why I am here".
The angel grinned. " Do you remember where you were last?".
Dismas thought for a moment. " Yes, I was being executed on a cross and I was losing consciousness".
" Then what happened".
" I could hear my compatriot criticizing the man between us".
The angel shuffled some papers.
" I told him that this man was innocent and has done no wrong".
" Then what happened?".
" I turned my head and simply asked him to remember me when he comes into his Kingdom".
" Then what happened?".
" I heard him reply". His voice hesitated. " And now here I am".
The angel picked up a nearby phone. " Master, he's here".
A door opened and Jesus walked in. Smiling, he held out his hand. " Come my friend".
As we left that room, we were both smiling.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I was there: Dismas

I was there: Dismas by ric Gustafson

I can hear the guards as they approach my cell. I know that it is the day of my execution and that they are coming for me. Now that the time has come, I am afraid. Is there life after death?. What if I have to account for the sins that I have done?. As I am taken away, I know that I soon will be a fading memory.
The soldiers escort me out of the dungeon and into the street. A centurion gives orders and a cross is placed upon my shoulders. As we walk, I notice two others with me. One is a compatriot. The other I know nothing about. All I know is that people call him a prophet and that he claims to be King of the Jews. The pace of our walking is slow because the third man was nearly beaten to death.
Finally, we reach the Place of the Skull. I notice that the vertical beams have already been erected. I am shoved onto the wood. I do not look as nails are impaled into me. Burning pain from my arms explode in my head. I groan as my other arm is nailed. I am hoisted up so my feet can be nailed.
For a long time, I drift in and out of consciousness. As I suffer, I am fascinated by the stranger dying in between us. At one point, I hear my compatriot yelling at the man in the middle. He yelled " You are the Christ, save yourself and us". I answer back. " Aren't you afraid of God?". I am. " Can't you consider that you are about to die". " We are both getting what we deserve". I stare at the man in the middle. " But this man has done nothing wrong".
The man was silent. I turn my face to him. Faith took a hold of me. " Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom".
He turned his head. " Today you will be with me in paradise".
When my eyes closed in death, I could hear angels singing with joy.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: Lord of the Harvest

Easter 2016 reflections: Lord of the Harvest by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Matthew 9: 36-38. Our natural tendency is to shy away from helping people in need. We are not hard hearted but feel that helping others can be demanding. Helping others is exactly what Jesus wants us to do. Jesus had compassion when he saw helpless crowds. He asked his disciples to pray that more compassionate people would serve them.
We are chosen by God through his Son to be his workers in the world. Our mission is clear. We are called to care for others in the name of Jesus. We are called to meet the spiritual and physical needs of others.
Praise God that I can be a laborer in his Harvest.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lusitania page 3

Lusitania page 3 by ric Gustafson

In September of 1907, the pride of the British commercial fleet was the Lusitania. The liner was 30,395 tons, four funneled and 785 feet wide. The liner was able to cross the Atlantic in twenty three knots. The huge liner could accommodate 540 first class, 460 second class and 1200 third class passengers. On board was a crew of 850. The Promenade Deck was a quarter of a mile long. The ship's galley prepared 10,000 meals a day.
First class suites and cabins were lavish. The First class dining room domed, double tiered and decorated in white. The First class smoking room was furnished in Italian walnut. There was a writing room and library.
Second class suites were spacious with washbasins and soft woolen hangings. Third class passengers were berthed toward the ship's bow. The cabins were well designed and less cramped than on other liners.
The huge liner was half the size of other liners but three quarters more powerful. The liner was the first ship to use high tensile steel in her hull. There were electric controls for closing her 175 watertight compartments. The liner had four giant steam turbine engines. Her turbine blades could produce 68,000 horsepower and the liner could get to a top speed of twenty five knots.

research help: ' Lusitania an epic tragedy' by Diana Preston

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I was there: Simon the Cyrene

I was there: Simon the Cyrene by ric Gustafson

I approached the city via the North South Samaria Jerusalem road. I walk toward the Gennath Gate. My two sons Alexander and Rufus are with me. As we go through the gate, I observe that people are everywhere. The noise from street vendors, children running and sheep bleating is constant.
I married a Greek girl from Cyrene which was a city on the Northern coast of Africa. I became part of my father in laws import business. This year, I decided to celebrate Passover with my sons in the Holy City.
As we approach the Via Dolorosa, a scene ahead makes us stop. My sons have already gone up front to see what is happening. Then, a hand falls on my shoulder and I am ordered into the street. A centurion orders me to shoulder a fallen man's cross. The fallen man tries to keep up in the rear but is struggling.
Slowly, I trudge up a steep hill leading to the Gennath Gate. Now the fallen man is in front stumbling and then almost collapsing. His head is bowed, his breath labored and his face is a suffering mask. Behind me I hear sobbing. It is coming from a small group of women.
The fallen man's one eye is swollen, his skin white and pasty. His beard is matted with dried blood. Spittle coats his lips. The last thing I remember is staring into his face and then being shoved away.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: just say the word

Easter 2016 reflections: just say the word by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Matthew 8: 5-13. This bible passage involves a centurion. This Roman officer was in charge of a hundred men. When he talked, his orders were followed. This military officer humbly asked Jesus for help. He told Jesus that he was not worthy to ask Jesus to enter his house.
Jesus is the Son of God and our friend. Only through grace do we dare to speak with God. Jesus wants to hear our sorrows, our needs and our desires.
Praise God.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: Pray Continually

Easter 2016 reflections: Pray Continually by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is I Thessalonians 5: 13-18. You probably would think to yourself that this is impossible. How can someone pray continually. Prayer is a state of mind. We are connected to God and God's will. We need to praise God and listen to him. Through constant prayer, we can listen to God's guidance. In God, every moment is worship.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 22, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: my eyes have seen your salvation

Easter 2016 reflections: my eyes have seen your salvation by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Luke 2: 25-32. A man of God named Simeon was eagerly waiting for the Messiah. Being led by the Spirit, Simeon entered the Temple. The Holy Spirit told him that the Messiah would be there that day.
He scanned the crowd. His eyes rested on a peasant man with a teenage wife. The wife was holding their infant Son. Overjoyed, he swept the infant into his arms. Then he blessed the Lord. This was the most important event in his life. Now he could rest in peace.
When we follow the Holy Spirit, we will find hope. The most important thing in our lives will come when we look into Jesus's face. We can rest in the peace of God when our eyes have seen God's salvation.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: I rejoice in God my Savior

Easter 2016 reflections: I rejoice in God my Savior by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Luke 1: 46-49. Mary was a teenager, poor, Jewish and a female. She was disrespected and marginalized. She was also unmarried and pregnant. Nobody would believe that she was a virgin and impregnated by the Holy Spirit.
In today's reading, Mary does a prayer of praise. Mary praises God with everything inside her. She trusts God completely. God told her why he had chosen her. She agreed. Like Mary, I hope that I will trust God completely and be obedient even in dark times.

research help:  The Sanctuary For Lent 2016' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Lusitania page 2

Lusitania page 2 by ric Gustafson

The development of underwater warfare started as divers used underwater sabotage in 413 B.C. In 1578, William Bourne designed a submersible that could rise and sink by filling or emptying ballast tanks. This became a characteristic of modern submarines. It was during the War of Independence that Yale student David Bushnell launched a submersible called Turtle. The Turtle was an egg shaped vessel that was one manned, seven feet tall and four feet wide. It was made of oak and equipped with four portholes. It was propelled by two hand operated screws. It had a foot operated valve and a foot pump.
In May 1801, Robert Fulton launched the first submarine to be built of metal. It was named the Nautilus and was barrel shaped. In early 1864, a Confederate submersible called the Hunley sank a Union ship the Housatonic.
By August 1914, Germany had built 28 submarines and were constructing 25 more. German submarines had improved diesel engines. These new U boats had better range, depth performance and could travel 5000 miles. Torpedoes were erratic and unreliable. By September 1914, these new underwater vessels would make headlines for a different reason and shock the world.

research help: ' Lusitania an epic tragedy' by Diana Preston

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: My Redeemer Lives

Easter 2016 reflections: My Redeemer Lives by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Job 19: 23-29. In verse 25 of today's reading, Job proclaims that he knows that his Redeemer lives. We need to keep our eyes focused on our Redeemer each day. We need to do this during good times and bad. The crying of our heart points to Jesus who is our Living Savior. We need to remember that Jesus rescued us from sin. Jesus gave up his life to free us from every kind of sin. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can have hope and look forward to eternity with him forever.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lusitania page 1

Lusitania page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was 3:00 pm August 3 1914. That day Germany declared war on France. Two days earlier, it had declared war on Russia. The German Chancellor at the time was Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg. This day he told a packed Reichstag that German troops were advancing into France and Belgium and Luxembourg were already occupied.
The next day, the British ambassador to Berlin Sir Edward Goschen gave Germany an ultimatum. The ultimatum was to leave Belgium alone or Britain was going to enter the war. According to the Treaty of London signed in 1839, Belgium was to be neutral.
By 1914, the navies of Britain and Germany were well established. The Secretary of State for the Imperial German navy was Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz. He was the son of a lawyer and a physicians daughter. He joined the navy because he had trouble in school. Head of the British navy was Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher. His father was an ex army officer and his mother was a daughter of a failed wine merchant. He had great charisma, frankness and humor.
In October of 1911, Winston Churchill became first lord of the Admiralty. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the emperor of Germany and king of Prussia.
Across the Atlantic, Woodrow Wilson was in the second year of his first term. Wilson was born in December of 1856 of Scottish descent. Wilson's secretary of state was William Jennings Bryan.

research help: ' Lusitania an epic tragedy' by Diana Preston

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 12

the Great Oz page 12 by ric Gustafson

" Do you like it?".
Oscar turned to see a woman smiling at him. She was older than Theodora. She had dark eyes and ruby lips. " I'm glad you are here at last Wizard".
Oscar grinned. " Thank you".
" At last the prophecy shall be fulfilled".
Oscar turned to Theodora. " Who is this beautiful woman?".
" Wizard, this is my sister".
" I am Evanora, the royal advisor". She smiled. " I am here to serve you".
Oscar turned to Finley. " Monkey, my bag".
He grabbed it. " Yes Wizard".
They left.
Evanora gave her sister a stern look. " I want proof that he is who he claims to be".
Theodora grinned. " I will give him a little test".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: Don't be afraid

Easter 2016 reflections: Don't be afraid by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Matthew 28: 1-10. According to I Corinthians 15: 55-57, we can beat death because Jesus paid our debt. Sin separates us from God. Jesus gave up his life and died on a cross to pay our debt.
Our bible verse for today says that the two Mary's went to the tomb early on Sunday morning. Suddenly, there was an earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down, rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel said to the women ' don't be afraid'. The angel said that they were looking for Jesus but he was not there. He had risen. They were told to go and tell the disciples the good news. Jesus met the women on the way and told them not to be afraid.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I was there: Barabbas

I was there: Barabbas by ric Gustafson

It was after sunrise and I was already awake. I had hatred in my heart because the Romans had killed my brother. He was the first born and because of that a seed of hatred began in my heart. The Romans say that I am an insurrectionist. I think of myself as a patriot. Instead of a patriot, some people call me a zealot.
Guards come and take two fellow prisoners to their fates. Later, the guards come and take me. One of the guards tell me that I am free. I was told that the Governor had given me a pardon. That someone was going to die in my place
After hearing this, I walk up the steep stairs and then outside into the morning light. I smile because the taste of freedom is here. I dance among the crowd because of my new found joy. I watch as my two prison mates are carrying crosses. A third man is struggling to carry his. I ask who this person is. I am told that his name is Jesus of Nazareth. I arrive at the execution site known as the Skull. As they begin the execution process, I run back toward town.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: No Greater Love

Easter 2016 reflections: No Greater Love by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is John 15: 1-13. During the night that Jesus was betrayed, he told his disciples something very important. He told them that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friends. He set the ultimate example of self sacrifice by going to the cross. Jesus died in our place and proved his love for us. He made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and to have a home in heaven.
In today's bible reading, Jesus says that he is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in the vine, we will produce much fruit. If not, we will be gathered into a pile and burned.
Thank you Jesus for what you did for me on the cross.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: I am the Good Shepherd

Easter 2016 reflections: I am the Good Shepherd by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is John 10: 7-18. In this passage Jesus tells us that he is the gate for the sheep. Thieves and Robbers try to steal us Jesus's true sheep. We should not listen to them. The thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. The Good Shepherd's purpose is to give his sheep a rich and satisfying life.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He sacrifices his life for the sheep. A wolf attacks and scatters the sheep. The Good Shepherd knows his sheep and they know him.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I was there: Pontius Pilate

I was there: Pontius Pilate by ric Gustafson

From my balcony, I watch the crowd below. These last few months have been one crisis after another. I hate this place. I hate the heat, the dust and the noise. Most of all I despise these mad Jews and their religious fanaticism. Now this Caiaphas and his religious fanatics have come to me. Because it is Passover week, I have to speak to them from my balcony.
I demand to know what this prisoner has done. They told me that he was a criminal. I told them to take care of it themselves. They tell me that he is plotting a rebellion against Rome and that he does not pay taxes to Caesar. I tell my centurion Flavius to lead the prisoner inside so I could interrogate him. I ask him if he is the King of the Jews. He said that his kingdom is not of this world. Finally, I ask him what is truth?.
My wife warns me not to bother with this man. I ask the crowd if they want Barabbas or Jesus their King. They picked Barabbas. I say that he is innocent and they want to crucify him. Finally, I asked him where he came from?.
The last thing I do is wash my hands in a basin. I tell the crowd that I am innocent of this man's blood. I give Flavius the order to take this Jesus away and crucify him.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: the weight of sin

Easter 2016 reflections: the weight of sin by ric Gustafson

Sooner or later, the weight of sin will overcome us. We feel the shame and embarrassment of failing. The weight of guilt and pain can sometimes become too heavy. This weight of sin will then affect our family, church and our neighborhood. This weight will then affect our city, state and nation.
Isaiah 53:12 says that he bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels. Jesus was called to bear it based on Matthew 26: 36-44. Jesus did this on the cross for us so that we have victory over sin and death.
Today's bible reading is Hebrews 2: 10-18.
Praise God

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 15, 2016

I was there: Judas Iscariot

I was there: Judas Iscariot by ric Gustafson

As the temple guards led Jesus away, I felt empty and unfulfilled. There was a time when I felt that Jesus could do anything. He could speak like no one I had ever heard. I felt that Jesus was naïve. He could of built on his personality and seized the moment. There were several times when people wanted to make him King. Instead he disappeared and went into hiding. He talked about a Kingdom but did nothing about it.
That night I made my decision. I followed him to the house of Annas and then the house of Caiaphas. I sit down at a far wall and watch the trial. They pronounced him guilty and led him away. At that time, I realized that I had betrayed the chosen One of God. I yell for them to let him go and throw my bag of coins at them. I realize then that it is too late. I run out the door crying.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: Lord who is it?

Easter 2016 reflections: Lord who is it? by ric Gustafson

Today's reading is John 13: 21-30. Jesus and his disciples were having a meal in an upper room. Jesus was troubled. He looked at his friends. " I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me".
The disciples looked at each other. The disciple that Jesus loved spoke up. " Lord, who is it?".
Jesus replied " It is the one to whom I give the bread I dip in the bowl". He dipped it and then gave it to Judas Iscariot.
When Judas ate the bread, Satan entered him.
Jesus looked at him. " Hurry and do what you are going to do".
The others did not know what Jesus meant.
Judas left going out into the night.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I was there: Jesus

I was there: Jesus by ric Gustafson

I feel overwhelmed. My soul fears what is coming. Not the Roman cross but separation from my Father. I have never displeased him or felt the brunt of his anger. Soon I will be the object of his wrath.
That is how I felt when I entered Gethsemane with my disciples. I leave them to pray to my Father. I plead to him to take that cup from me. I go and find my friends sleeping. I cringe at the prospect of separation from my Father and suffering the penalty of sin. After praying to my Father two more times, I drink the cup of iniquity.
Just then, Judas comes with armed Temple guards. He gives me a kiss. I am arrested and for the next twelve hours are beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I suffer more than it is possible for a human being to suffer. I am only able to be sustained is by supernatural peace given me by my Father.
At the sixth hour, my Father deals with me. Now he regards me as the greatest sinner. He discharges on me the whole weight of his wrath. Then he tells me to depart from him. That is a punishment worse than death. He rejects me in order that I can pay the price to redeem mankind. Then I plead to my Father and ask why he has forsaken me. He does not answer me.
I can feel Satan waiting for me to die. I muster all the strength I have left. " Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit".
It is finished and the cup of sorrow is empty. The sin of debt has been paid and I have suffered the full penalty for the sins of all mankind.

research help: ' Witness the Passion' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: putting on a new body

Easter 2016 reflections: putting on a new body by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is II Corinthians 5: 1-8. On Good Friday, God placed the entire world's sin on his Son's shoulder. When Jesus could no longer breathe, he said to his Father ' father, I entrust my spirit into your hands'.
In today's bible reading, our life is an earthly tent. When we die and leave this earthly body, we will go to heaven. There we will have a new house and a new body. In our earthly bodies, we groan and sigh. In heaven, we will have a new eternal body that will never decay or rust.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 12, 2016

the Great Oz page 11

the Great Oz page 11 by ric Gustafson

Theodora and Oscar walked up to some very tall guards. Next to them was a very short man.
" Hello Knuck" she exclaimed. " This is the Wizard".
Knuck raised a staff. " All hail the Wizard". He pointed toward the guards. " And these are my Winkie guards". He grinned. " They protect the Emerald City".
They got into a carriage and slowly came up to a beautiful palace. They walked inside and then down a long corridor.
As they entered a large room, Oscar's jaw dropped. The room had several large windows which looked out over the city. The floor was green marble and above very huge chandeliers. At the end of the room was a flight of stairs. They walked up the stairs. They stopped in front of a huge emerald throne.
Oscar's eyes got big. " Is this my throne?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

followers of the Wolf: Josef Mengele

followers of the Wolf: Josef Mengele by ric Gustafson

Dr Josef Mengele was born on March 16 1911 in Gunzburg Bavaria. He was a son of Karl and Walburga Mengele. Josef became married to Irene and had a son named Rolf. Josef joined the Nazi Party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. He became a decorated hero on the Russian front.
In 1943, he was transferred to a place of death called Birkenau. When people came off the trains on the ramp, one of the first things they heard was Zwillinge  heraustreten. This meant Twins step forward. Some mothers hid their twin children. Some did step out of line. When they did, they encountered later a handsome dark haired man. When he meet them for the first time, he smiled and gave them candy and chocolate. He talked to them like an uncle and the children called him Uncle Pepi.
The children found out the other personality of Josef Mengele. Mengele performed barbaric experiments on the children without anaesthetic. He performed unnecessary surgeries and was obsessed with twins. He was obsessed with heterochromia which dealt with the eyes and their colours.
In 1945, Mengele escaped from Birkenau and ended up in South America. On February 7 1979 while swimming off of a beach near Sao Paolo Brazil, the Angel of Death drowned.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Easter 2016 reflections: the tree of life

Easter 2016 reflections: the tree of life by ric Gustafson

The first tree was in the Garden of Eden. God told them not to eat from it. God wanted to test their loyalty and trust. Adam and Eve could not resist the fruit on it. They disobeyed God and ate from it.
The most important tree is a crude wooden cross. This cross was cut from a sturdy tree. Because of Jesus hanging from that cross, we have life. The cross stands for love and salvation. God's only Son suffered a horrible death on that cross. It is the tree of life for us. Matthew 27: 27-35.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: I will see you again

Easter 2016 reflections: I will see you again by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is John 16: 17-24. Verse 22 Jesus says I will see you again then you will rejoice and no one can rob you of that joy. Jesus was telling his followers that they were going to go through a time of great pain and sorrow. All of us have had great periods of painful experiences. It could be war, divorce, surgery or loss of a loved one.
Sorrow comes to us along the road of life. Jesus endured the cross and disregarded it's shame. Jesus's sacrifice fulfilled God's eternal purpose for us. Jesus's sacrifice opened the door to friendship and fellowship with God. The joy of Jesus in our lives overshadows all of our pain.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Easter 2016 reflections: Who is this?

Easter 2016 reflections: Who is this? by ric Gustafson

Today's bible reading is Matthew 21: 1-11. Jesus is entering Jerusalem on a donkey's colt. People were spreading their garments on the road. Others were cutting branches from trees and spreading them on the road. People were shouting ' praise God for the Son of David'. ' Praise God in highest heaven'.
The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar. People were asking ' who is this?'. The crowd replied ' it's Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee'.
Praise God.

research help: 2016 Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

the road to Emmaus page 3

the road to Emmaus page 3 by ric Gustafson

" The things about Jesus the Nazarene who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people".
His friend spoke up. " The chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified him".
Cleopas sighed. " We were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel".
" And then something happened?".
" What happened?" Jesus replied.
Cleopas scratched his chin. " After three days, some of the women went to the tomb early in the morning". His voice hesitated. " They did not find his body".
" The women said that they had seen a vision of angels who told him that he was alive".
His friend grinned at Jesus. " Some of those who went with us went to the tomb and found it exactly as the women had said".
Jesus looked at them with loving eyes. " O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken".  He grinned at them. " Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 26

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 26 by ric Gustafson

Jesus raised his head, looked at Pilate but did not say a word.
" Why don't you answer me?". He stared at Jesus. " I have the power to crucify you and I also have the power to let you go".
" You could no power over me at all unless it was given to you from above".
Pilate walked back to the door. " The punishment this man has had is enough".
" If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar".
Pilate sat down on the Judgment Seat. " Behold your King".
" Crucify him".
" What, shall I crucify your King?".
" We have no King but Caesar".
Pilate shook his head in frustration. He clapped his hands for a servant. " Bring me a basin of water".
Shortly, the servant came back with a basin.
He dipped his fingers into the water as he stared at Jesus. After he was done, he stared at the crowd. " I am innocent of the blood of this man".
" May his blood be on us and our children".
Pilate pointed at Flavius.
The centurion walked over to the Roman Govenor.
" Gather four of your best soldiers and wait for my orders".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 8, 2016

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25 by ric Gustafson

Pilate pointed at Flavius. " Take this Jesus into the inner courtyard and scourge him".
" Govenor, I do not disobey orders". His voice hesitated. " But I do not want to be in charge of that task".
Pilate pointed at Maeiminus Rausticius. " Will you perform this task?".
" Yes Govenor".
After a period of time, two soldiers dragged a half dead Jesus back into the Hall.
Pilate was sitting in his Judgment Seat.
Jesus was still wearing his own clothes. Now he was wearing a makeshift crown of thorns that had been roughly put on top of his head.
Flavius could not believe what they had just done to him.
Jesus was propped up. Pilate walked over and then stood next to him.
To the crowd, Pilate pointed at Jesus. " Behold the man".
" Crucify him, Crucify him".
" I find no fault in him". He stared at the crowd. " You crucify him".
The crowd screamed " By our law he ought to die, he made himself the Son of God".
This troubled Pilate. He pointed at Flavius. Jesus was led over to the Judgment Seat.
" Where do you come from?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the road to Emmaus page 2

the road to Emmaus page 2 by ric Gustafson

Cleopas and his friend were walking on a dusty road. They knew that they were near the village of Emmaus. The village was about seven miles from Jerusalem. Both men were tired and sad. They had just witnessed the brutal death of their teacher and savior. They were discussing this event as they walked. As they came up to a crossroads, Cleopas looked to his left. He noticed a young man approaching. He had a dark beard and was smiling at them.
" Would you mind if I walk with you toward the village?".
" No".
The three of them started to walk.
As they walked, Jesus listened to their conversation.
Cleopas wondered if he had seen the stranger before. He could not place his face.
" What are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you are walking?".
Cleopas and his friend stopped and gave him a confused look. " Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days?".
Jesus looked at their bewildered faces. " What things?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 7, 2016

the Kingdom of God: not always visible

the Kingdom of God: not always visible by ric Gustafson

God's Kingdom is there for those who seek it. Natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. The Kingdom of God remains hidden from carnal minds. People of the world do not understand or appreciate the glory of God, People are blind to the riches of God's Kingdom. The fallen human heart cannot comprehend God. Sinners are not inclined to seek God.
Thank you Jesus that we believe in you and your Kingdom.

research help: ' Parables' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 6, 2016

the great egg souffle caper page 6

the great egg soufflé caper page 6 by ric Gustafson

Elnora ran upstairs into the small kitchen. " Marjorie, I sent a young man up here with my last egg soufflé dish".
" I haven't seen him". Tiredly, she was getting ready some hot cross buns. " I sure could use it right now".
Dumbfounded, Elnora began to walk back downstairs. Just then, she noticed that the back door to the church was ajar. She walked out onto a small sidewalk. She looked to her right and noticed the young man who had taken the hot dish. He was standing next to a green dumpster across the street.
She walked across and then quietly came up to the dumpster. She peeked around it. She could not believe what she saw. She saw the young man, a young woman and four young children eating the hot dish. They were eating like they had not eaten in days.
" What are you doing eating our egg soufflé dish?".  She pulled out her cell phone to call the police.
" Please don't call". The young man began to cry. " You have everything and we have nothing".
Elnora put her cell phone away.
He grinned. " I figured you would not miss it".
With tears in her eyes, Elnora walked back into the church. They did end up with plenty of egg soufflé to go around. When it was all over, Elnora knew that what had just happened to her was God showing her the true meaning of Easter.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kingdom of God: priceless in value

the Kingdom of God:  priceless in value by ric Gustafson

When we are a follower of Jesus, we have an eternal treasure that is rich beyond comparison. This treasure is unfading, eternal and reserved for us in heaven. Heaven is the realm of salvation. Jesus is sovereign there and his glory is heaven's masterpiece. God's Kingdom is eternal, incorruptible and undefiled. The Kingdom of God is a treasure which includes salvation, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, virtue, goodness, glory and eternal life in heaven.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the treasure of eternal life that has been given to me. Thank you

research help: ' Parables' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 5, 2016

the road to Emmaus page 1

the road to Emmaus page 1 by ric Gustafson

Flavius and some soldiers entered the house. A family was sitting on a carpet enjoying their midday meal.
He pointed a sword at a man. " I seek Cleopas".
The man with curly hair stood up. " I am he".
" On orders of the Roman Govenor Pontius Pilate, I have been sent to investigate the disappearance from a tomb a carpenter from Galilee".
Cleopas smiled. " Jesus from Galilee is alive".
Flavius stared at him in disbelief. " And how do you know that?".
Tears came to Cleopas's eyes. " Centurion, I saw him with my own eyes".
Flavius pointed his sword at his chest. " Show me his body".
" Since the day my friend and I met him on the road to Emmaus". His voice hesitated. " I have not seen him".
Flavius pointed his sword at his heart. " The Roman Govenor wants to know how many of his disciples like yourself that there are".
Cleopas smiled. " We disciples are everywhere".
Flavius lowered his sword. " Tell me about the day you saw the carpenter".

research help: ' Risen' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 24

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 24 by ric Gustafson

Flavius led Jesus into the Hall of Judgment. Pilate was sitting on the Judgment Seat. Flavius stopped Jesus so he was standing right in front of Pilate.
Just then, a servant handed Pilate a note. It was from his wife telling him to have nothing to do with Jesus.
Outside the Praetorium, the crowd was getting more unruly by the minute.
Pilate walked outside and faced the angry crowd. " You have brought this man to me". He pointed at Jesus. " I have examined him and I find no fault in him". He gave the crowd a serious look. " Therefore I will chastise him and let him go".
" Traitor" the crowd yelled.
The Roman Govenor looked for any compassion from the crowd. " There is a custom that I release a prisoner during Passover week". He pointed a finger at Jesus. " Should I release the King of the Jews?". He did not want to release the criminal who had tried to lead a rebellion. " Or should I release Barabbas?".
He stared again at the crowd. " Which of the two shall I release?". His voice hesitated. " Shall I release Barabbas or Jesus whom some call the Christ?".
" Barabbas, please release Barabbas".
The Roman Govenor held up a hand to silence the crowd. " And what shall I do with Jesus of Nazareth?".
" Crucify him".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 23

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 23 by ric Gustafson

Herod Antipas was lying on a cushion being fanned by a servant. Another servant came in and whispered something into his ear.
He smiled. " The Rabbi is coming here". He had been hearing many things about this young man from Galilee. He was hoping that he would perform a miracle for him.
After a short while, Flavius led Jesus into a hall of Herod's residence.
Herod walked in and stared at Jesus. The young man's face was bruised and swollen from physical abuse. He was standing up only from the help of Flavius.
Herod smiled. " I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time".
Jesus was silent.
" I hear you perform miracles  and heal the sick".
Jesus did not raise his head.
" Please perform a miracle for me".
Jesus remained silent.
" Just one, that is all I ask". Anger filled his eyes. " So you won't perform a miracle for me". He clapped his hands. " I believe a King needs a robe".
A servant ran and brought back a robe of different colors. The servant put the robe on Jesus.
Herod smiled. " Here is a robe fit for a King".
Some of Herod's soldiers bowed down and mocked Jesus.
After a while, Herod got tired of the game.
" Take that robe off of him". He stared at Flavius. " Take him back to Pilate".
Later, Herod and Pilate became friends.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

longings of the heart: Well Being

longings of the heart: Well Being by ric Gustafson

Everyone wishes to be well. We all want to be healthy, happy and whole. We want to enjoy life. We want to live a purposeful life. We want to have a healthy and positive life. We want to have positive relationships with others. We want a healthy life. Gluttony is the opposite of well being. For Christians, this is a sin. God takes the stewardship of our bodies very seriously. Gluttony not only affects the well being of the body but the whole person as well.
Temperance is the antidote to Gluttony. Temperance helps us to achieve balance in every aspect of our life.
We need Jesus to keep our lives in balance because he knows what's best for us.

The End

research help: ' Broken Gods' by Gregory Popcak

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 5

the great egg soufflé caper page 5 by ric Gustafson

" Elnora, we're getting a lot more people than expected" Lucille Gass said loudly as she gave a loaded plate to a church member.
Elnora quickly surveyed the long line coming through. " How are the hot cross buns and orange juice doing?".
Lucille gave her a tires stare. " Fine".
A worried look overcame Elnora. She remembered that she gave her only extra egg soufflé dish for upstairs.
" Elnora, we need some more egg soufflé upstairs".
In disbelief, she turned around to see her friend George Weller.
" I gave the dish to someone to bring up there". Horror came over her tired face. " You never got it".
" No".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

the Great Oz page 10

the Great Oz page 10 by ric Gustafson

They turned to walk away.
" Wait". The monkey cried. " I've been hiding from the Witch's Monkey's". He ran and stopped in front of them. " My name is Finley". He smiled. " From now on I will be your loyal and faithful servant".
Theodora stared at the monkey. " And why is that?".
Finley smiled. " Because the Wizard saved my life".
Oscar sighed. " All right come along".
A short while later, they came to the end of the road.
Just then, Oscar saw a huge glittering city. It had green towers and turrets.
Oscar smiled. " What beautiful place is this?".
Theodora grinned. " The Emerald City".
" It is beautiful".
Theodora looked at Oscar. " And you and I will be King and Queen".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 4

the great egg soufflé caper page 4 by ric Gustafson

After the 8:00 service started, more egg soufflé came. Elnora and the others warmed up more hot cross buns and poured more orange juice. Elnora figured that she had just enough for the crowd that was coming. She did worry because she only had one egg soufflé dish in case the crowd was larger.
When the service ended, the line began to form down the stairs.
Pastor Greerson put a comforting hand on her shoulder. " How is it going Elnora?".
She noticed that he was one of the first in line.
" We're doing fine so far".
" I got in line because I was hungry". He filled a plate and sat down.
" We need some more egg soufflé upstairs".
Elnora turned to see a young man who was dressed casually. She did not recognized him but figured he was helping Marjorie upstairs.
" I have an extra egg soufflé dish warming up". She wiped sweat from her brow. " You can take it". She got the hot dish and handed it to the young man.
" Thank you". He carefully picked up the dish and ran up the stairs.
After the crowd had died down, Elnora sat down and prayed that more egg soufflé would be coming.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric