Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wondeful Counselor page 1

Wonderful Counselor page 1 by ric Gustafson

Roger Smith held the flagstick as the golf ball went into the cup. " Nice putt".
" Thanks" Bobby Jenkins replied as he picked up his ball and walked toward his golf bag.
They walked toward the second tee after Roger put the stick back into the hole. They noticed that golfers were backed up. They put their bags down and walked toward the shade of a nearby tree.
" So how is life treating you?".
" Well, right now I've been having some financial problems" Bobby replied. " And my marriage is not going the best at the moment either".
We picked up our bags and put them by the blue tees.
" I went to a counselor at the Harrison Dewey building". He took out his driver and a tee. " He really helped me with my problems".
Bobby put a tee into the ground. " What is the name of this counselor?".
" He is called the Wonderful Counselor".
Bobby hit his drive down the left side of the fairway.
" If you have a piece of paper, I'll write the suite number for you".
Bobby gave him his scorecard.
Roger hit his drive into the trees on the right. " The Harrison Dewey building Suite 302".
" Thank you" he said as he put the scorecard into a back pocket. They picked up their bags and began to walk toward their tee shots.

research help: ' Together with Jesus' by Richard Lauersdorf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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