Sunday, September 20, 2015

Babylon: Why Babylon?

Babylon: Why Babylon? by ric Gustafson

Jerusalem is known in the bible as the historic capital of God's chosen nation. Babylon, on the other hand, the bible uses as a symbol of the worst of the world's evils. Babylon began as Babel which was a city established by Nimrod. Nimrod attempted to organize the first worldwide government opposed to God.
Babylon fell more than five centuries before Jesus but it's spirit has lived on. Biblical prophecy says that Babylon will be the end times. The book of Revelation talks about the struggle between Jerusalem and Babylon. God's Word tells us of Babylon's final destruction and Jerusalem becoming the capital of God's eternal kingdom.
Nowhere in God's Word do we get a clearer picture of Babylon's nature than we do in the Book of Daniel.

research help: Turning Points October 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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