Wednesday, September 30, 2015

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 1

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory felt the cold of the doorknob. It had taken him a half hout to find the front door of his apartment. It was so dark it felt as if he was blind. He quietly opened the door and slowly inched his way into the dark and musty hallway. He winced as he stubbed his toe on a small table that was along a wall. He silently cursed God for the blinding darkness and that the two sores on his lower left leg were now festering and causing him great pain. As he groped and slowly moved down the hallway, he noticed what looked like a pinprick of light.
A quiet voice came from the murky hallway. " Rory".
He recognized the voice of his master. " Mr Simpato".
" Rory, can you see a light in the distance?".
" Barely". He squinted. " But yes I do see a very small light".
" Rory, I want you to keep heading toward that light". The voice got louder and louder. " Because that light is me".
He inched toward that small light. Just then, he noticed his master who had a strong light shining around him.
They gave each other a big hug.
" Sir, why do I feel like I am totally blind?".
" Rory, I will explain this plague to you later". He grinned at his young friend. " Right now, I really need your help".

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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