Thursday, September 17, 2015

the end of days: The Plague of Sores page 3

the end of days: the Plague of Sores page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory slammed a fist on Edith's desk. " Edith, I cannot believe in a God I cannot see". His voice grew more angry. " A God who has caused me nothing but pain my entire life".
" Rory, God simply loves you and he will take away all that anger and hurt".
" Thanks for listening to me". He gave her a hug. " I won't report you to the loyalty application officers". He smiled. " Be careful and I'll see you in Jerusalem".
Days later.
Carlo Simpato stood at the edge of the Temple Mount while the sky blackened around him. He raised his arms high into the air. " Take my mark and worship me". Thunder crashed across the black sky.
Thousands upon thousands raised their arms to Carlo. " And woe to those who hearts are lying toward me".
A young woman in the crowd raised a finger to Carlo. " You are a liar and a fake".
Rory's face turned to horror as he realized the young woman was Edith.
" You are the Anti Christ and a false prophet". She continued. " As God as my witness, there is only one God and one Lord Jesus".
Carlo pointed a finger at Edith and a ball of flame came from the black sky and rested on top of her. She burst into flames and was soon reduced to ashes.
Carlo yelled to the masses below. " All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth". He pointed a finger at the crowds. " Take my loyalty mark and you will live". The crowds below him bowed down. " He is risen".
Just then, on the east side of the Temple Mount a large statue of Carlo was unveiled.
After worshiping the statue for hours, thousands of people got into the loyalty mark application lines.

research help: original story and ' Desecration' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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