Friday, September 11, 2015

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 4

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory took the bottle out of the grocery bag. " Mom, where does the peanut butter go?".
She pointed a finger. " In the lazy Susan". She looked at her son. " Rory, what happened at the grocery store?".
" Mom, things have changed" . He helped her finish the groceries and then sat down in a living room chair. " You can't do much of anything without a biochip".
With sadness in her eyes, she glanced at Rory's right wrist. " My son, why did you do that for?".
" Mom, I believe in him and what he's done for this whole world".
" Rory, I've read Revelation" she said in a loud desperate voice. " I feel in my heart that he is the Anti Christ trying to deceive this world".
" Mom, he can't be the Anti Christ" he replied as he held her hand. " Look at all the good and wonderful things that he has done".
Just then the doorbell rang.
Rory opened the door to reveal a middle aged officer with a One World badge on.
Officer Mchenry tipped his hat. " Sorry to disturb you".
" Come in Officer".
He pulled a small scanner from his pants pocket. " Can I see your right wrist?". He quickly scanned Rory's wrist and then put it away. " Sorry I had to do that but there have been numerous fake bio chips being reported".
Rory's mother walked into the room. " Who are you?".
" I'm Officer Mchenry one of the One World application centers enforcement officers". He tipped his hat again. " I'm here to personally escort you to the application center to receive your mark of loyalty and your bio chip".
She ran into the kitchen and began to cry. " Rory, I'm not going".
" Mom, I'll go with you". He walked into the kitchen and gave her a big hug. " Life would be so much easier if you did go"." I'll go as long as you go with me" she said as she dried her eyes with a tissue. " But Rory, I will not take the mark".

research help: original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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