Friday, September 11, 2015

the other place: will there be any light there?

the other place: will there be any light there? by ric Gustafson

Hell has become a cliché for a place to have a good time with friends when they die. It may be hot but hopefully bearable. God's Word on the other hand gives a totally different picture of what Hell will be like. The fires of Hell are mentioned in Revelation 14:10. This Hell fire will be unlike any flame known to modern science. It causes extreme pain but will not consume.
The bible indicates that Hell will be more solitary than people imagine. Jesus talks about a darkness that is an outer darkness. This darkness is far removed from everyone and everything. Darkness will reign because God's light is not present. The darkness of Hell will feel like solitary confinement.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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