Friday, September 25, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 16 page 2

the end of days: Revelation 16 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory stood next to the One World guard who had his rifle leveled at the line of people.
" Don't be shy" said a short man wearing spectacles. He waved toward a nearby table. " Come forward".
" What is your name?" he asked as he prepped the young woman's right wrist.
" Charlene".
He slowly implanted the device just underneath the skin of her right wrist. " Congrats Charlene".
He applied a bandage to the affected area and threw away his gloves. " You now have the mark of loyalty to Carlo Simpato".
Just then, a young man, wearing a white robe and white sandals, stepped out of the line. " I am Newman one of 144,000".
There was a murmur in the line of people.
" Follow me out this door or else". He hesitated. " If you worship this beast and take his mark". He gave them a stern look. " You will drink the wrath of God".
" Don't listen to him" Rory said as he stood up. " You know what the consequences will be". He pointed toward a nearby room where a faint thud was heard.
Some followed Newman out the door. The majority stayed in line for the mark of loyalty.

research help: original story and ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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