Monday, September 14, 2015

what do you see?: puzzle or process

what do you see?: puzzle or process by ric Gustafson

Sometimes our life is like a pattern. Sometimes it is predictable like when we go to bed, get up, family schedules. Thank God that the universe does not change. Gravity oxygen luckily does not change.
When our patterned lives do change however, we are confused. Usually we adapt quickly but not always. As Christians, we should first turn to God. We must remember that God can step into our patterned lives at any time. At that point we need to trust him above all else.
When our lives become a puzzle we need to be willing to be puzzled. We need to let God be God. We need to keep our focus and take the time to evaluate our puzzled life. Lastly, we need to pray that a good plan will emerge from our puzzled life.

research help: Turning Points July 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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