Tuesday, September 29, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 16 page 5

the end of days: Revelation 16 page 5 by ric Gustafson

Rory wearily walked into his small apartment. He sat down in a brown easy chair and then turned on a TV. As he was flipping channels, he stopped at a Carlo Simpato channel. He watched as a young man sit down at a table and take the mark of loyalty. He remembered earlier in the day when someone named Newman stepped out of the crowd waiting to take their mark.
He knew it was an angel of God when he asked people to leave with him and not take the mark. He warned the crowd of the severe consequences for not taking the mark of loyalty. Some left with this Newman but the majority stayed and took their mark.
As he watched the TV screen, Rory noticed a nearby lamp start flickering on and off. After a half hour of this, Rory stood up to turn off the TV. Just then all the lights and the TV went dark. He inched toward the window and peeked out. He was horrified to see that all light including the sun, moon and the stars were gone.
He inched slowly toward the phone on a kitchen wall. He could not see a thing.
" Hello ouch!" he exclaimed as he stubbed a toe on one of the kitchen table's chairs. " Hello, everything here is totally dark".
The light company told him to be patient, they were addressing the issue.
Rory scratched the sores on his left lower leg. He pointed a fist up at God. " I hate you!".

The End

research help: original story and ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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