Wednesday, September 23, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 16 page 1

the end of days: Revelation 16 page1 by ric gustafson

Rory scratched the two sores that were on his lower left leg. He was sitting in a chair in the dark cold military command post. He watched on a video screen as three jet fighters headed toward their intended target. They were carrying the most powerful concussion bombs the One World government could afford. Each of the bombs could create a fireball thousands of feet up and burn up everything in sight.
All of a sudden, the door to the drab cold room opened to reveal the man Rory has devoted his life to.
" Hello Rory" Carlo said with a sly grin as he sat down next to the video screen. " Are the planes near the target?".
Rory put on some headphones. " Sir, the planes are right over the target". He hesitated. " They are just waiting for your permission to drop them".
Carlo put on some earphones. " Yes, drop them". He clapped his big hands in glee. " I will finally take care of those Jews once and for all.
Both men waited patiently for news of the drop.
Ten minutes later.
" What!" Rory exclaimed. He yanked off his headphones. " Sir, one of the pilots wants to talk to you".
" Yes Captain". Carlo's face grew ashen. " What do you mean a water geyser eliminated the flames".
" Apparently" Carlo said loudly as he stood up and knocked over his chair. " Their God sent a water geyser high enough into the air to douse the flames of our concussion bombs".
Carlo looked at Rory. " Do we still have money in our budget for loyalty mark enforcement devices?".
" I believe so Sir".
" Good, purchase some". He gave his young friend an evil grin. " People will think twice before deceiving me again".

research help: original story and ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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