Saturday, September 12, 2015

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 5

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 5 by ric Gustafson

Rory looked out his office window at downtown Copper Creek. He was very tired and had a headache. The phone rang. He picked it up and pushed the talk button. " Hello". He listened to the voice on the other end. " Yes, this is Rory Johnston". He yawned. " I'll be there in fifteen minutes".
Fifteen minutes later, he walked through the entrance to Building 3 of the Copper Creek One World application center.
He walked up to the security desk. Behind it was a tall lanky One World security officer.
" Right wrist please".
Rory held out his wrist and the security officer scanned it.
" I was told my mother was one of the female detainees".
The security officer pointed down a long hallway. " The female wing is down the hallway and to the left".
Rory walked down the hallway and then turned left. The women's detention area looked like a huge zoo cage.
A voice came from the cage. " Rory".
He noticed his mother standing in a corner of the cage. She was crying and shaking like a leaf. The guard noticed Rory's wrist and then opened the cage.
She ran out and sobbed on her son's shoulder. " I'm sorry Rory" she said as tears ran down her face. " I needed some medicine and I forgot about the biochip".
The guard pointed to the other ladies in the cage. " Mrs Johnston, all of these ladies have agreed to take the mark except for you".
" Rory, I won't".
Rory gave her a big hug. " Mom, there is nothing else I can do".
" Rory, I am a Christian and I will not take the Devil's mark".
" Mrs Johnston, please follow me to Building 2".
Rory held her hand as they slowly walked outside and down a sidewalk toward the next building. They reached the front door of Building 2 and Rory knew the time had come.
Rory's eyes swelled up with tears. " I'm sorry Mom, there's nothing else I can do".
" I know" she replied as she hugged her son. " Always remember God loves you and so do I".
They walked inside.
As Rory walked away sobbing, he heard a strange noise coming from inside the building. It sounded like a constant thud.

The End

research help: original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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