Monday, February 9, 2015

Taxman 5 page 1

Taxman 5 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Matthew grabbed the tunic of the man and shook him. " Give me what you still owe on the house".
" Here" the small man replied as he threw some coins at the tax collectors feet.
Matthew smiled as he walked away palming the coins. It had become a profitable day. As a public tax collector, a certain percentage of what he got had to go to Caesar. After that, everything else went into his pocket.
It was early afternoon, the weather was hot and business was slow. As he sat in his dark cool booth, he counted his money. As he counted, he noticed a stranger walking down the road toward his booth. The stranger wore a tunic woven from top to bottom. He had a dark beard and carried a walking stick.
Matthew went back to counting his money. All of a sudden, he looked up to see the stranger standing in front of his booth smiling.
" Follow me" said the stranger. He began to walk away.
A strange feeling came over Matthew that he could not explain. He stood up, took a look at the piles of money on his table and then opened the door of his booth. He ran after the stranger.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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